5 Tips on Creating the Perfect Title for Your Essay - 2023
Oh, boy! This is tough.
Here we are, having written an ENTIRE ESSAY! But we can’t seem to write a measly title.
But you know, this happens quite a lot. How does one sum up an entire essay in a few short words?
This happens with authors all the time.
Authors complain that it is very hard to come up with names for their characters. Which is awful because they don’t even have an essay writer. Or a book writer. Whatever. So… what I was saying is that some authors just name their character X, and write an entire story.
Then come back to replace the X with something “unique”.

But on the other hand, we have authors like George R. R. Martin who cannot possibly, in any way, move forward unless they name their character. This is probably why the second last book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series has been pending for eight years.
If only we could put off an essay for 8 years.
Also Read: Top 5 Most Reliable Essay Writing Services Online
But since we can’t, here are 5 tips that will help you create the best title ever.
Tip #1: Title Comes LAST
Listen, I am not saying that George R. R. Martin is not a great author. He made Game of Thrones happen. He’s great. I’m just saying, he wastes a lot of time.
See, we can’t sit all day and think about a title when we have an essay to write.
So, if you haven’t written your essay already then this tip is for you: go write your essay. Once the essay is done, trust me, your brain will be flooded with new ideas.
This is because you will know EXACTLY what your essay is about. When I used to write my essay, I always wrote it first so that I could get the hard part over with. After the essay, I would come up with a topic that would actually suit my content.
Tip #2: Use Cliches or Popular Phrases
I know. That’s just cliché. But, it also totally works. So, let's say that you are writing a reflective essay about something that happened in your past. Something that has been bothering you.
So, what do you do?
You write “A Chip Up My Shoulder: Why Holding On Does More Harm than Good”.
There, you have now used a common phrase and used it to give meaning to your essay. Now anyone who looks at the title of the essay will know what it's about.
Actually, you don’t even have to include the second part. “A Chip Up My Shoulder” is fine too.
The second part was added to give a bit of context but if you don’t want to reveal too much just yet then that’s great too.
Tip #3: Try a Quote
Ok, so let's assume that your essay is about The Hunger Games. Now, what would be your title? Maybe “May the odds be ever in your favor” would be good.
“Why” popular quote so almost everyone should recognize it.
Unless, of course, they have been living under a rock. But we can’t do much about that.
It is also a quote from the book series itself so it will resonate with the audience which is also very, very important here.
You can also try using quotes from other series. For example, you can title your essay “10 Points to Gryffindor” and talk about how Katniss Everdeen is a daring, bold, and chivalrous young heroine.
So, now you have linked Harry Potter to The Hunger Games. See, the main thing here is creativity.
Tip #4: Use the Three Word Rule
Ok, so it's not like a REAL rule. It’s more like a guideline anyway.
What you want from a title is that it explains your whole essay at once. You need to sum up your essay, whether it's 3 pages long or 12 pages. And you need to do this in like one line.
So, try to do it in as few words as possible. Three words is a good rule because it allows you to be very creative.
Ok, so an essay about climate change. How can we sum it up in three words? “Climate Change Disaster”? Nah. That’s too boring.
But, “Mayhem, Destruction, Chaos”? That sounds about right since Europe is quite literally drowning as you read this.
So, the rule works. You just have to think a little smartly
Tip #5: Try to Keep it Brief
I know I suggested these super long topics in my tips and sometimes it really works.
But, in most cases, you need to keep the title as short as possible. Why?
Well, have you ever written a super long title for a dissertation? Have you ever noted how you blank out in the middle of it and have no idea WHAT is written in front of you? Yeah.
That’s why. Once again, I am asking you to consider this… your audience is not a bunch of Einsteins. So, they probably won’t understand your title which will cause them to abandon your essay which will lead to you feeling awful, and… it goes on.
So, can you come up with a title now?
I bet you can. But if you have a title and no essay then I have a suggestion. Try an essay writing service and you will not regret it. But why should you try one? So, you don’t become George R. R. Martin.
That is, so you don’t waste your time in trial and error.
A writing service will give you an essay and then you can write your own essay based on the model paper you get. Great, right?
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5 Tips on Creating the Perfect Title for Your Essay - 2023
By sandrataylor
5 Tips on Creating the Perfect Title for Your Essay - 2023
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