Cloud Security Corner


​Learn Cloud Security with AWS  

Sangam Biradar



 Sangam Biradar , Individual Open-Source Contributor

• Docker Community Leader Award Winner 2020

• Traefik , Okteto ambassador

• AWS Community Builder - 2022 - 2024

•BOS( Board of Studies – Alliance University , Bangalore )

•DevNetwork Board of DevRel Advisor

•Cybersecurity Innovator of Year 2023 by Bside Bangalore

•Packt Publication – Co author of Course on lightweight Kubernetes with K3s in 2019  

•Prev worked as Principal Security advocate / Senior Product Marketing Manager, Developer Advocate

Cloud Security Fundaments

Threat Detection and Incidence Response

Principles of Incidence Response








Demo - 1 -  IAM User

Dealing with compromised users

Dealing with compromised users


If the user has been assigned Access Keys, consider deactivating them..


Be cautious when deleting keys, as this may impact applications that rely on them.


Review all policies assigned to the user.


Monitor Cloudtrail events for any unusual activity

Addressing Compromised Users


Delete the compromised user account and recreate it.


If the user has long-term access credentials, transition to using IAM roles.


Roles utilize short-term credentials, offering enhanced security.

  Demo 2- Best security practices for managing EC2 Instances


General Consideration

Install only the necessary components on the EC2 instance to minimize the attack surface


Use host-based protection software


Restrict network access to the instance


Establish a baseline server configuration and monitor any changes against this baseline


Ensure all changes to the EC2 instance are audited.


EC2 Instance

Private Subnet

EC2 Instance

Public  Subnet

Elastic Network Interface

Network Access Control List

Security Groups

Configure Security Groups: Set up security group: rules to allow only the minimum necessary traffic.

Use Network Access Control Lists (NACLs): Implement NACLs to manage traffic at the subnet level.

Control and monitor interactive access to EC2 instances.


Provide user access based on the principle of least privilege.


If an application on the EC2 instance needs to access other AWS services, assign an IAM role to the EC2 instance


Always encrypt data at rest and in transit


Regularly update the EC2 instance with the latest security patches


Ensure a change management process is in place for all updates to the EC2 instance.

Demo - AWS Guard Duty

What is AWS Guard Duty ?

This is a continuous security monitoring service


This service analyses the following data sources - VPC flow logs , AWS CloudTrail event logs , DNS logs


it is used to identity unexpected and potentially unauthorised and malicious activities from within your AWS account


this does this with help of existing threat intelligence feeds and list that contain malicious IP's and domains

The Threats it can detect

Escalation of privileges


Uses of exposed credentials


Communication with malicious IP's , URL's or Domains


Detect compromised EC2 Instance having malware


Can also detect unauthorised infrastructure deployments in your AWS environment

How can we use amazon GuardDuty

                                                                 We have to enable it

​it is region specific resources


To get better coverage , you can enable the service in every region


you can also invite other accounts to use amazon guardDuty . if you do this your account becomes the master account you can then get the finding of your member accounts  

EC2 Encryption with key pairs

Configure Security Groups: Set up security group: rules to allow only the minimum necessary traffic.

Use Network Access Control Lists (NACLs): Implement NACLs to manage traffic at the subnet level.

Security logging and Monitoring

Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch agents

AWS CloudTrail

AWS Config

other tools available

Amazon CloudWatch

This service helps monitor all of  your AWS resources


Monitoring Can be carried out in real time


CloudWatch can be used to collect and track metrics


these metrics help you understand how your AWS resources and behaving  


You can then create alarms based on these metrics 

Amazon CloudWatch Agents

CloudWatch agents allows you to get more system level metrics from amazon EC2 Instances ​


You can also collect metrics from on-premise servers


you can also collect logs from Amazon EC2 Instances or on premise servers which could be running either linux or windows

Amazon cloudtrail

This service helps you enable governance , compliance and  operational and risk auditing for your AWS account


All actions taken by a user , role or an AWS service are recorded as events in AWS cloudtrail


These events could have taken place into AWS management console , AWS CLI Interface , the AWS SDKs and APIs


You Can Then create a trail which would persists these events


You can search these events later on for any suspicious activities


AWS Config

This service helps you record configuration changes to your AWS resources


You can also see how resources are related to each other


You can also define AWS config rules to check whether your resources are compliant or noncompliant with your organisation's policies


other tools available

VPC Flow logs - This can be used to log the network traffic flowing in and out your VPC

Simple Storage Access Logs - Gives you a better representation of how your S3 objects are being accessed

Elastic Load Balancer logs - Gives you a better representation on requests and responses being made to the Elastic Load Balancer



The Purpose of Amazon CloudWatch Logs 

Working with CloudWatch Logs

create AWS Lamada 

// index.js

exports.handler = asynx function(event, context) {
console.log("this is sample data");
return context.logStreamName;
filer @message like /test/


Working with CloudWatch Agents

what can you do with the cloud watch agents

You can use the agent to collect more system-level metrics from amazon EC2 instance this can be don e both windows and linux based system


you can also collect metrics from on-premise servers


You can also collect logs from Ec2 instance or on premise server running


you can also collect logs from EC2 instance servers running either windows or linux


How can you set this up

You can Install the agent  manually or set it up using software system manager


first you need to create an IAM role that allows the agent to send metrics to cloud watch


Download the required agent package


Modify the CloudWatch agent configuration file here you specify the metrics you want to collect


Install and stat the agent  

What are we going to do now



We will install apache2 on ubuntu EC2 instance


create an IAM role and attach it to the EC2 instance


Install the cloud watch agent


set the configuration file for the cloudwatch agent


Run the cloudwatch agent


sudo apt update 
sudo apt-get install apache2 
sudo service apache2 start 

### -- lets create new new role 
### -- attach policy - cloudwatchagentserverpolicy
### -- role name sangam

### -- Go to EC2 instance setting setup the role sangam
### -- install cloudwatch agent - 

sudo dpkg -i -E ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb
sudo apt-get install awscli 
sudo aws configure --profile AmazonCloudWatchAgent
AWS Access ID : 
Key ID [None] :
Bundle Tasks : 
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]: us-east-2

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a status 

status :"stopped"

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard

log file path :

sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json -s 
sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a status 

Working with Simple Storage Service

Access Logs

The purpose of S3 access logs


This can be useful for security and access audit report purposes


by default server access logging is disabled . you have a explicitly enable it


the logs can be written to the same bucket or a different bucket . it is recommended to use a different bucket for log data


when server access logging is enabled via  the console , a bucket ACL grant for the log deliver group to write data is set on destination bucket


there is no charge for enabling S3 access logs


but there will be a charge for the storage of log data




create s3 bucket -> permission -> access control list -> s3 log delivery group - log delivery  

Working with AWS CloudTrail

Governance and Compliance

the event history is available for the past 90 days


you can use the history to view , search and download activity during this time period


you can also create a trail to persist the events


the events can be send to CloudWatch Logs or to an S3 bucket


you can create a trail that applies to all regions


you can create a trail that just applies to one region   

What is AWS CloudTrail

if  you have an an AWS organisation ​, you can  also  create an organisation trail


the trail is applied to the master account


the event get recorded for all of the member accounts as well


​All of the CloudTrail event log file are encrypted using amazon S3 server-side encryption 


you can also use the Key Management service to encrypt the log files

When configuring a trail ,  you can choose to log data and management events


Data events events performed on a resource such as Amazon S3 object level API activity or AWS Lambda function execution


Management events are those events performed at the control plane . for example attaching an IAM role


CloudTrail - cross account logging

AWS account 

AWS account 

AWS CloudTrail 

AWS CloudTrail 

S3 bucket

We have to ensure the bucket policy for the destination bucket allows for multiple to write data


bucket policy -> permission

VPC Flow Logs

Monitoring your VPC

What are VPC Flow Logs


this is a feature that enables you to capture information on the traffic flowing into and out of the network interface from within a VPC


The Flow log data can be sent to Amazon CloudWatch logs and Amazon S3


A Flow log can be created for VPC , a subset or just a network interface


when flow logs are activated it will take around several minutes to start receiving the data


#Different Fields Format
version account-id interface-id srcaddr dstaddr srcport dstport protocol packets bytes start end action log-status
#Accept SSH traffic on port 22
2 123456789010 eni-1235b8ca123456789 20641 22 6 20 4249 1418530010 1418530070 ACCEPT OK
# Reject SSH traffic on port 22
2 123456789010 eni-1235b8ca123456789 49761 22 6 20 4249 1418530010 1418530070 REJECT OK

VPC Flow Logs

We are going to enable VPC flow logs for a network interface


​we will send the logs to CloudWatch Logs


​we need to also have an IAM role in place to VPC flow logs to send the data to CloudWatch Logs


IAM role - ec2 - create policy - json

edit trust relationship  


AWS Athena

This is an interactive query service that allows you to analyse data directly from s3


AWS Athena is a serverless service


Here you don't need any infrastructure setup service


you can query and analyse unstructured , semi - structured and structured data stored in AWS s3


Tha data could be in various formats such as CSV , JSON , Apache Parquet or Apache ORC

Infrastructure security

What is VPC ?

This is a separate part of the AWS cloud network


​it allows you to launch resources into virtual network


a virtual private cloud is logically isolated from other virtual network in the AWS cloud


A VPC contains a specific IP address range


​in the VPC you define subnets


​Each subnets is a range of IP addressed in the VPC


Components of a VPC

Security for VPC

Security Groups - this is like a virtual firewall that cam control inbound and outbound traffic into your instance


in the security groups you add inbound an outbound rules to control the traffic


bye default no traffic is allowed into an instance


you have to explicitly add inbound rules in the security groups to allow traffic to flow into the instance


Security Groups are stateful - this means that if you send a request to the instance if the request is allowed the response will be allowed irrespective of the outbound rules set in the security group


Network access control list - this is like a virtual firewall that can control inbound and outbound traffic into your subnets


​each network access control list consists of inbound and outbound rules


​the network access control list by default allows all inbound and outbound traffic


each subset needs to be associated with a network access control list


network access control lists are stateless . even if a request is allowed via an inbound rule the response would be subject to the outbound rules


Demo - Setting up the  VPC 

Create a new VPC in the Ohio regime


Create a new subnet in the VPC


Ensure the DNS hostnames assignment is set for the VPC


​Ensure the public IP address setting is made for the subnet in the VPC


Create an internet gateways and attach it to the VPC


Modify the route tables to ensure traffic destination from the internet can flow via the internet gateway


​Launch an EC2 Instance in the new VPC


Demo - Security Groups 

Install apache2 on the server

Change the security groups to allow traffic into our instance


Amazon EC2 instance 


inbound rules 


port 80

Amazon RDS instance 


mysql 3306

Database - inbound rule 


- add an inbound rule to allow traffic from -> 

Security group sever 

Amazon EC2 instance


We need to add an outbound rule to allow an outgoing request on port 80 

mysql -h endpoint -p 3306 -u admin -p 

IAM - identity and access management

This service allows you to securely control access to AWS resources


You can control who is allowed to sign in - the authentication process


You can also control who is allowed to use resources - the authorisation process


IAM User - this represents a person or a service that would interact with AWS


the user would either access the console or make programmatic access calls to AWS service


you could place the user in an IAM group


you could assign permission to the user


IAM  Groups - this is a collection of IAM user


you can assign permission at the group level


​IAM roles - this is an identity in AWS . you can assign permission to an IAM role


A role is not associated with any access key or password so it is  a secure way of accessing AWS resources  

Policies and permissions

You Manage access to AWS resources with help of policies


Policies are mostly stored in AWS as JSON documents



there are different types of policies


​- identity based policies- these are attached to users , groups or roles


- Resource based Policies - some AWS service can have their own policies for example in the simple storage service you can create bucket Policies  


- Permission Boundaries - this can be used to define the maximum permission that can be assigned to an IAM entity


- Organization Service Control Policy - this can be used to define the maximum permission that can be assigned to members of an organization  


​- Access control list- some AWS service use access control lists an example is the simple storage service


- Session Policies these are policies used during a particular session  

Data Protection

This is a service that allows you to store and retrieve virtually any amount of data from the web


in the service you go ahead and create buckets to store the data


Each object in the bucket is addressable via a URL


Each object has a key which is a unique identifier for the object with the bucket


In term of security the service provider the following capabilities


encryption of data at rest and transit - this can done with either server side or client side encryption


You can manage access to the bucket and its objects via identity and access management policies , bucket policies or access control lists

Access control List

Access control list can be used to manage access to buckets and underlying objects


these are just used to grant basic read / write permission


you can grant ACL's for both the buckets and there underlying objects


when to use ACL's


Granting access to individual objects using a bucket policy for gibing access to individual files is not recommended

Management and security Governance

What is AWS trusted advisor service ?

You can use this service to get recommendation on how to improve aspect of your AWS resources


You get recommendation based on cost optimazation performance , security fault tolerance and service limit


​if you apply for business and enterprise support you get access to full set of trusted advisor checks and recommendations


You can also get weekly updates you can also create alerts and automate actions with the amazon CloudWatch service  

Meet the Team








By Sangam Biradar