• Customer Information
  • Bank Accounts
  • Transactions
  • Passenger Information
  • Reservations
  • Flight Schedules
  • Student/Teacher/Staff information
  • Course Registration
  • Grade Processing


Cust ID. Cust Name Cust Addreess Cust Phone Acc No. Acc Balance Acc Password
860XXX04 Maria Abc Street 9XXXXXXX 3940XXXX 2000 XXXX
860XXX04 Maria Abc Street 9XXXXXXX 7893XXXX 40000 XXXX
Cust ID. Cust Name Cust Addreess Cust Phone
860XXX04 Maria Abc Street 9XXXXXXX
Cust ID. Acc No. Acc Balance Acc Password
860XXX04 3940XXXX 2000 XXXX
860XXX04 7893XXXX 40000 XXXX

Customer with two accounts

Redundant,  Repetitive Data

Option 1

Option 2

Common Link



ID Name Age Gender Height
3902 John 18 M 5 feet

Attribute: Column of the table

Tuple: Row of the table

Nasscom C2

By Sanjukta Bhattacharya

Nasscom C2

  • 84