Long Only Portfolios
Roadmap for future work
Where we are right now
We have managed to incorporate in our retail portfolios, all features that one expects from a roboadvisor, and more.
We have also been able to:
outperform the benchmarks
demonstrate the capability of managing sizeable assets
find our niche as a data driven and AI based asset manager
Risk Management | Frequent Rebalancing |
Tax Optimisation | Algorithmic execution |
How we got here
- Aim was to follow best practices and bring institutional investing to retail clients
- Started with hedge fund like strategies like risk parity, trend following, value etc
Incorporated features like risk management, HFT like execution
- Roll-out of retail offering
- Initially targeted data driven individuals for early adopters
Recommended portfolios as a custom mix from a huge pool of strategies
- Incorporated deep learning based strategies
Moved to a fixed set of featured portfolios
- Systematic CIO for allocating to strategies in featured portfolios
- Long-short and long only portfolios for institutional clients
Early 2016
Late 2016
We need our long only offerings to appeal to institutional investors too
There are a few aspects about our portfolios that institutional investors might not be comfortable with:
- High correlation with market (or high beta)
Capacity constraining aspects
- Our strategy and execution alphas should not be limited to smaller investments.
- Our execution should be scalable, with little chances of a mistake.
- Black box-like approach (AI models, no anxiety management, insufficient demystification)
- No easy customisation (turnover, product set, and risk management)
This is how we are planning to tackle these problems
High Correlation:
- Incorporate all strategies we have worked on so far in our long only portfolio.
- Adapt the L/S deep learning strategies to long only portfolios
- Payroll
US investor index strategy
Explore alternate data sources, to generate alternative risk premia
Make our portfolios resilient to market regime shifts by improving the systematic CIO so that it can:
- Detect regime and allocate accordingly
- Diversify among existing alphas
Customization and scalability
It shouldn't take long to run studies and subsequently move to production.
- Parallelize and support caching in the backtesting framework.
- Bring the prototyping and production frameworks in line with each other.
- Tool to make a custom portfolios.
Moving away from black-box approach
Make it easier for investors to understand what it would really feel like investing in this portfolio
- Scenario analysis
This is how we are planning to tackle these problems
Long Only Portfolios
By Sanskar Jain
Long Only Portfolios
- 1,034