Mapping a Collective Futurity

Florence Okoye | @FINOkoye



Clarity is...

Clarity is... scarce

Florence Okoye


UX Designer


Chaotic Good(???)




How we work is crucial to understand why we're making what we make

How we work is crucial to understand why we're making what we make

How we work is crucial to understand why we're making what we make

How we work is crucial to understand why we're making what we make










Designing for advocacy, not inclusion

Designing for advocacy, not inclusion

Designing for advocacy, not inclusion




  1. Clarify who is present

  2. Clarify your values (real or speculative!)

  3. Map out what those values mean respective to who is present


"How can we design in a system that requires people to want what they don't want?"


"How can you design in a context where projects are done on basis of budget rather than human needs?"


"How can you design with communities who don't trust you*?"


*and have good reason not to


Co-opting the radical isn't just 'uncool'

it makes things materially worse


So here goes...



It's almost impossible to advocate for others, if you can't advocate for yourself.

It's almost impossible to advocate for others, if you can't advocate for yourself.

Thank you!

You can find more of the unfinished product @FINOkoye on twitter


If you're interested in a workshop on developing holistic design frameworks, in need of a design jam facilitator or just the perspective of a critical service designer, feel free to DM me :)

Mapping a collective futurity

By FINOkoye

Mapping a collective futurity

Talk for New Adventures Conference 2020

  • 1,835