Hey you, do you even design?


1. What are we doing?

2. How are we doing it?

If you're someone who moves things from an existing condition to a preferred one...

- Milton Glaser



...you're a designer.


What do they think?

What do they feel?

What do they see?

What do they hear?

What do they say?

What do they do?

Inadequate framing of the person leads to inaccurate framing of the problem

Inadequate framing

inaccurate framing

The inequalities we see on the web come from the material nature of the web




It's not noise, it's just your privilege talking.



So, what can we try instead?

1. Open up

2. Design your technology as a service

3. Remember that complexity comes from the human.

Think broader

Make inclusively

Design better


Hey you, do you even design?

By FINOkoye

Hey you, do you even design?

JSConfEU 2018

  • 1,020