From the past to new futures

Afrofuturism is a literary and cultural aesthetic that uses the tropes of science fiction, as well as references to African and non-Western mythology, as a means to confront and analyze the present-day issues faced by people of color.

Many of us are children of imperialism and colonialism and we do not have the luxury of vast archives and documentation about our ancestors. Reclaiming the colonial past is a radical act - in order to transform the present and future...

- DIANE MORGAN, Why Afrofuturism?

The images are beautiful and the story is pleasant at a first level, but it is built on the fact that nobody believes that Africa will ever reach the moon. It hides a very subtle critique to our position towards the whole continent and our prejudices.


...Rather than disavow the importance of race in identity formation, we aim to reformulate it in new frameworks that exist at the juncture between alternative and activist, producing new spaces for creative ideas to flourish.

- DIANE MORGAN, Why Afrofuturism?

From the past to the future

By FINOkoye

From the past to the future

Brighton Digital Festival presentation

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