Mother Teresa

Who was she?

  • Mother Teresa was famous for creating the Missionaries charity and for the help she gave others.
  • Some examples of the people she helped are people with: HIV,AIDS, Leprosy, Tuberculosis.
  • The charity also provided clinics and child/family counselling.

she did it to bring.........
'whole -hearted free service to the
poorest of poor'

facts and stuff...

  •  In 1997 Mother Teresa won a noble peace prize
  • She was born on the 26th of August 1910 and died on the 5th of September 1997
  • She was 87 when she died 
  • She lived in Calcutta, India
  • She was also known as 'Blessed Teresa of Calcutta'.

we will now have a mini white boards quiz!!! :) 

Mother Teresa PP

By sara123

Mother Teresa PP

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