Sarah Marshall
I'm social media editor, EMEA, at The Wall Street Journal
Tools every journalist should know about
WSJ interns
City University, 11 March
Breaking the News: The Future of International Journalism, London School of Economics, March 7 2015.
Slide deck for DJ@DJ (Digital Journalism at Dow Jones), Feb and March 2014
Mynewsnight. Talk by Sarah Marshall, social media editor, EMEA, The Wall Street Journal
Presentation for The Last Word, 7 October 2014
A look at the most important tools, tips and techniques for journalists using social media
Tools every journalist should know about
PR Summit 2014. Talk by Sarah Marshall, social media editor, EMEA, The Wall Street Journal
Slide deck for DJ@DJ (Digital Journalism at Dow Jones), May 2014
6 free tools for having 'conversations with the people formerly known as the audience + 4 curation tools used by The Wall Street Journal
Three examples of real-time reporting and transparency from the Wall Street Journal
Presentation for journalists