Gamelist is a location based gaming community platform.

Inpsired by GoodReads, AirBnB and OLX.

Problem - Gamer

  • Games are expensive. Especially for the users in developing countries.
  • General platforms like OLX are too crowded with all sorts of unwanted ads from other categories.
  • Gamers find it hard to shuffle between different Whatsapp and Facebook groups to find ads from other gamers.
  • Similarly, they find it hard to find potential shared buyers for games.
  • E-Commerce solutions like Daraz and Telemart are again too general and too cluttered with unwanted ads for gamers.

Problem - Retailer

  • Has to rely on customers visiting physical stores, or orders coming from Facebook or Whatsapp.
  • Can't afford to spend a lot of money to create online presence.
  • Can't afford to spend significant time to increase social media engagement, nor have the skills to do so.
  • Can't afford to have an inventory software/payment solution or scared of overhead of operating a complex software.
  • Don't want the overhead of hiring/retaining delivery guys for a mere small number of deliveries.

Problem - Distributor

  • Has to rely on retailers visiting physical offices, or inquiries coming from known circle of retailers.
  • Can't afford to spend a lot of money to create online presence.
  • Can't afford to spend significant time to increase social media engagement, nor have the skills to do so.
  • Can't afford to have an inventory software/payment solution or scared of overhead of operating a complex software.

Market Research

  • OLX data analysis
  • Facebook group trends
  • Retailer Surveys
  • Gamer friends surveys




Target Customer: Gamer

  • Short on budget.
  • Short on time.
  • Sell games after playing.
  • Games to be delivered to the doorstep quickly and reliably.
  • Looking for the best price.
  • Share game lists on social accounts.
  • Looking for nearby gaming ads (based on geolocation).

Target Customer: Retailer

  • Own white-labelled e-store.
  • Leverage the user base of Gamelist.
  • Delegate its delivery and payment collection to Gamelist.
  • Delegate its customer support and returns to Gamelist.
  • Lookup distributors to make inventory purchases.

Target Customer: Distributor

  • Own white-labelled distributor e-store.
  • Leverage the registered retailers of Gamelist.

Distributor is someone who can provide games, consoles, accessories and merchandize in bulk.

Solutions: Consumer

  • Social platform.
  • Game listing.
  • Huge marketplace.
  • Location based ads.
  • Location based retailers/shops lookup.
  • View reviews before buying a game.
  • Delegate your games need to Gamelist (Premium feature).

Solutions: Retailer

  • White labelled SEO optimized e-store.
  • Access to Gamelist user base.
  • Inventory management software.
  • Online payment collection through Gamelist.
  • Accounting software.
  • Customer service representation through Gamelist.
  • Delivery service.
  • Data-driven insights about the games with most numbers of wishlist entries.
  • Insights about the most used search terms to optimize key business decisions.
  • Other key insights.

Solutions: Distributor

  • White labelled SEO optimized e-store - only visible to retailers.
  • Access to Gamelist registered retailers.
  • Inventory management software.
  • Online payment collection through Gamelist.
  • Accounting software.
  • Data-driven insights about the games with most numbers of wishlist entries.
  • Insights about the most used search terms to optimize key business decisions.
  • Other key insights.
  • Help them transition into a distributor + retailer (cutting the middlemen).

Product Roadmap

Business Plan

  • Show Google Ads to free users.
  • Multi tier premium plans for users.
  • Ability to feature ads (by paying).
  • Sales commissions from retailers and distributors.
  • Provide insights with retailers and distributors.
  • Games rental service.
  • Merchandize sales.

Key Partners

  • IGDB - Gaming Database.
  • Payment partners.
  • Logistic partners.
  • Merchandizing partners.
  • Retailers.
  • Distributors.



User Acquisition Strategy

  • Social media community pages and groups.
  • Paid social media campaigns.
  • Promotional giveaways on social media pages.
  • Branding on physical retail stores.
  • Branding in gaming zones/cafes.
  • BTL public activities.
  • Rewarding referral program.
  • Influencer marketing (Bloggers, Vloggers and Reviewers).
  • Targeted advertisements.

Copy of GameList Pitch

By Sarmad Sabih

Copy of GameList Pitch

Slide for AWS Karachi Meetup #2. Demonstration of Amazon Web Services like SQS, SES, S3, EC2 and RDS.

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