Formal Verification and Compliance Checkers
Dr. Saurabh Joshi
Dr. Ramakrishna Upadrasta
Department of CSE, IIT Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
- Can the assertion fail?
- 1 million tests says NO
- Undefined behaviour as per C programming language standard if signed integer arithmetic results in an overflow/underflow
- Probability that a uniformly randomly generated test would find the bug is > 2.1Billion
- What's wrong with this code?
A small software bug can cause a disaster!
- Ariane 5 : 64-bit FP to 16-bit int
- Mariner 1: Omission of a hyphen
- Pentium FDIV bug : $400M+ loss
- Therac 25 fatal radiation: Race condition
- and many more...
- It can scale to a very large system
- Well understood by developers
- Explores a small subset of all possible system behaviour
Formal Verification
- Can be applied for small modules
- System represented as a system of equation
- Exhaustively explores system behaviours
- Provides functional safety guarantees with respect to the specification
- Advancement in user-friendly model-checkers
- Can the assert fail?
- Can the assert fail?
- Yes, because reading an uninitialized value is an undefined behavior
- "The value of an object with automatic storage duration shall not be
read before it has been set" -- Rule 9.1 MISRA C 2012 - More than 61 unspecified behaviour (Section J.1 )
- More than 200 undefined behaviour (Section J.2 )
Need for code compliance checker
- Can easily be missed in a code review
- More than 200 rules in MISRA
- Impossible for a programmer or code reviewer to remember them all
- Coding standards are important for various application domains (MISRA for automotive )
- Toyota unintended acceleration bug: 80000+ violation of MISRA (
Formal Verification and Compliance Checkers
By Saurabh Joshi
Formal Verification and Compliance Checkers
- 175