
  • Classic vs. Universal
  • Plugins
  • How it affects time estimations
  • How it affects development
  • How it affects maintenance
  • A/B testing with Analytics
  • User-ID Tracking

Classic vs. Universal


How it affects time estimations

  • front-end
  • backend
  • integration
  • "feature requests"
  • testing

How it affects development

  • hard to integrate later, need for Analytics specification or matrix
  • should be separated
  • testing & bugfixing analytics is not always straightforward
  • multiple accounts for testing, previewing, staging
  • to came up with a good analytics matrix the page flow / logic should be clear for the creator of that matrix

How it affects maintenance

  • Analytics data should considered as an important feedback
  • Tracking should be documented, updated
  • If page logic changes, the tracking should be updated also (and fixed if needed)

A/B testing with Analytics

  • it's called Experiments in GA
  • can be implemented on both sides (front-end, backend)
  • simple, complex A/B testing can't be done right now
  • evaulation happens in GA
  • tracking across multiple sessions, devices
  • more accurate user count
  • cross device reports

Analytics - Quick Overview

By Péter Schmíz

Analytics - Quick Overview

Quick overview of the Google Universal Analytics

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