The A-Team

Tech spec

  • React Native based
  • iOS (and Android coming soon)
  • integrated services / solutions
  • 1 codebase
  • lightweight app (~ 20 MB)


  • unique experience / designs
  • ApplePay & PayPal integration
  • SalesForce LiveAgent integration
  • CitySprint integration (delivery)
  • CityManager integration (admin)


  • iOS only launch (only UK) at 9/11/16
  • only social marketing - FB, Twitter, Insta
  • no media budget
  • 10k downloads already
  • 1100 registered users
  • 300+ orders (for around £80k)
  • 30k sessions
  • 330k screen views
  • 3 million events measured


First signs in April (16/04/16)

we are proceeding with ****** to provide the end to end solution and experience but we still require an agency that will require to do customisation as well as provide design/UX input.

Sajnos csak látásból ismerjük a ReactJS-t, trendi cucc, de projekten még nem próbáltuk...

Most megnéztem btw, hogy a ReactNative 2015. március 26-án került ki publicba 0.0.1-es verzióval…..

Nincs a világon olyan ember, akinek ebben 2 éves tapasztalata van :D:D


Next steps (April, May)

  • interviews, tests
  • team setup (PM + DEV)
  • onsite visit / development (Hannover)
  • panic :)
  • hardware
  • discovery phase (OpenGL)


Let's roll (Jun-Sep)

  • more DEVs
  • learn RN + iOS development (basics)
  • become a hybrid DEV
  • know the team
  • 50+ overall teamsize

Project life

  • agile :)
  • JIRA / Confluence / Slack (no emails)
  • 2 weeks long sprints
  • demos on Wednesday
  • 11 sprints until launch
  • 1700+ tickets until launch
  • 40+ versions of build in the last month
  • 4 calls / day (average)
  • HockeyApp / GitHub

Alpha version

Alpha version (Glitch)

Beta version




Keywords Positions (iPhone, UK)

adidas: #2
adidas football: #14
adidas glitch: #1
boot: #3
glitch: #1
shoe: #23




adidas GLITCH

By Péter Schmíz

adidas GLITCH

How its made

  • 584