UID processes, flows, gotchas

Well known UID tasks / responsibilities

- build, build, build


- Javascript (ES6), React, React Native, jQuery

- pixel-fixing / "does not work / look good on..."

- hot-fixing / "can we just add another module EOD?"

- reverting, than doing the same thing again

- bitching about clients / PMs / GFX / DEV / World / God

Not-known / mysterious tasks

- thinking / planning

- feasibility checks

- research / being up-to-date

- prototyping (!== UX BS)

- setting up good UID architecture

- UID approve on designs / concept (see above, feasibility checks)

- writing specifications

- writing documentations

- creating UID test plans (!== regular test plans)


Planning / thinking

To understand the basics of UID planning, first we need to have some clue about the "regular" UID flow / process orders.

Planning / thinking

(ideal world)

- HL brief / specification, maybe some WFs

- concept check / feasibility check

- feedback round on the concept

- detailed brief / functional specification

- GFX / DEV / UID consulting

- time estimation, as detailed and modular as it can be

- approved designs

- build

- UID / DEV integration

- testing

- optimizations / tweaking

Planning / thinking

(real world)

- HL brief / specification, maybe some WFs

- time estimation, HL, big blocks

- build, while still designing

- UID / DEV integration, while still designing

- going live

- testing / optimizations / tweaking or not

Planning / thinking

The magical brief

What is a brief? How you decide if its a good one or a
useless one?


- contains all the available informations (available!!!!)

- clear, well defined, well structured

- raises questions / gives some assumptions

- if possible has some examples / inspiration sources

- points out possible bottlenecks

Planning / thinking

The magical brief

How to parse a brief?


- be positive

- ask the right questions

- ask about the client

- make assumptions, if there aren't any

- don't get lost in the details

- consult with GFX / DEV / UX

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Estimating times, estimating resource needs and

needed skillsets is a very tough and complex task.


Experience and client knowledge is your best friend.

Estimations come with a big responsibility!

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation key factors:


- how detailed specification you got

- are there any wireframes or examples or similar projects from the past

- maybe approved designs / first drafts

- DEV type (inhouse / 3rd party, .NET or PHP)

- GFX complexity / needs ("it needs to be mind blowing")

- client needs (DL vs. quality)

- available resources / skillsets

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation key factors:


- experimental solutions / cutting edge tech

- additional non-regular needs (analytics, accessibility)

- 3rd party integrations (APIs, tools, systems)

- deployment environment (inhouse / remote / cloud)

- unknown factors, risk factors

- parallel projects running in UID

- holidays / vacations

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts (general UID):


- questions

- assumptions

- discovery / feasibility checks (if needed)

- general UID must-haves

- project / brief specific parts

- UID / DEV integration

- additional parts like analytics, testing, documentation

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts - questions and assumptions:


- browser support / device support / target region

- media provider (self-hosted, YT, Vimeo, any other)

- DEV partner / type / CMS needs

- accessibility needs

- SEO needs / analytics needs

- social needs, social functionalities

- behaviour / type (responsive, mobile first etc.)

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts - discovery / feasibility:


- search tools / frameworks / libraries / best practices

- create prototype

- test prototype

- feedback / draft documentation

- summary

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts - general UID must-haves:


- setup UID skeleton, build process

- setup assets, fonts, libraries, build process

- GIT / deploy UID setups

- basic structure / layout build (header, nav, footer etc.)

- responsive grid setup / build (if needed)

- general typo settings / media handling

- general form handling (with diff. states etc.)

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts - project specific:


- module builds / scripting (eg. carousel, video player)

- DEV related UID needs

- any extra 3rd party integrations 


Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts - UID / DEV integration:


- AJAX related parts, services, APIs

- 3rd party DEV dependencies and UID relations

- testing environment setup

- mocking / faking

- templating

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Time estimation parts - additional parts:


- analytics with tagging specs

- SEO optimizations

- accessibility (WCAG 2.0)

- testing / unit-testing

- social integration

- documentation (code, user manual, technical)

Planning / thinking

Time estimation

Tips & tricks:


- try to estimate in hours

- always overestimate a bit

- be realistic

- try to write detailed estimations

- check your teams capabilities / skills

- make a summary at the end

Planning / thinking

Resource planning

How it works:


- weekly status / resource need emails on Fri

- processing on Sun (with Air)

- based on previous projects and project experience
UID members get assigned

- in case of new projects assignment is decided on needed skillsets

- if possible I try to create teams / groups

- no force-fill

- rotation if needed

Planning / thinking

Resource planning



- resource shortage (!== overall shortage)

- DL vs. team size

- lack of needed skillset / level of skill

- overlapping vacations

- lack of brief / project transfer infos


Relation with GFX / DEV



- check / consult with designer during design phase

- tests / prototype if needed

- asset / font testing

- responsive behaviour planning

- style guide / brand guide infos


Relation with GFX / DEV



- integration plan

- double-check designs with DEV (business logic wise)

- service / API endpoints (request-response definitions)

- templating rules

- asset handling

- optimizations

- build / CI / deploy


And a lot more.... later :)

Thank you!


UID processes & flows

By Péter Schmíz

UID processes & flows

How, why, when, what?

  • 589