From a service company to a product company
the story behind

Michael Schmid
CTO Amazee Group
Amazee Labs
- Drupal Agency
- 3 Offices (CH, US, SA)
- ~ 30 people
- started 2009
Need of servers in CH
- Two dedicated servers
- No configuration management
- No monitoring, default configs
- Only 1 operations person - me
Pro7 - Flash Forward
- High Availability needed
- No UI, only CLI
- We survived!
- a bit unhappy with AWS
I'm getting up too much at 2am
- Managed Servers
- Hosting Company in CH
- Slightly configurable by us
- I still got up
- Issues too Drupal related
This is working well
- More and more clients
- 3rd party Devs got access as well
- The Voice of Switzerland
- 8'000 requests per second
- Hired 2nd operations person
- Learned how to run a cluster
We need more control
- Issues got bigger and we got up every time
- PHP 5.4 -> PHP 5.6 ?
- Servers in the US ?
- Servers in CapeTown ?
- I can haz root ?
Begin 2015
a Phoenix
- Full refactoring with Puppet
- Support company but all configurable by us
- Servers in US, SA, CH, DE
- Automated Deployments
- Automated Drush Site Aliases
- Security Focused
- Nginx, PHP5.6/7.0, Varnish, Let's encrypt]
- Local Development with Vagrant
Mid 2015
This could be something great
- Better documentation
- First on-premises
- "Hey, how do you host?"
- First Businessmodel
- Presented to Group Holding Board
- Decision to try
End 2015
This is going good!
- Trials with 2 clients went well
- Still a lot to improve
- Board: Separate books for 2016
- Hired CEO and 3rd Operations
Begin 2016
We don't have enough time
- Marketing, Sales Strategy
- Budgets
- More documentation
- New processes for multiple clients
- Local Docker environment
May 2016
3, 2, 1, go!
- Launched 1. May 2016
I need more soylent
- DrupalCon NOLA
- DrupalCon Dublin
- DrupalCamps
We don't stop improving
- Fully Dockerized production hosting
- Node.js, mongodb, elasticsearch
- Custom Docker Images

4 People
1x CEO
- Sales, Marketing, Finance, Account
1x CTO
- Architecture, Development, Sales, Operations
2x DevOps
- Sales, Operations, Development

- 24/7 support with partners
More help
- Freelancers
Fully remote
- Portland US
- Austin US
- Zurich CH
- or where ever we are
- 9h time difference
Sales process
- vastly different as a service company
- more investment into a new client possible
saying no
- is very hard
- stay focused on your product
- be careful of unmaintable stuff
Liquidity / Budgets
- much different
- higher base costs
- Servers, Services, etc.
- same income during holidays
- very important
- focus on what you can do best
- check them, they can hurt you!
MVP everything
- monthly billing
- bigger customisations
- marketing
- Support is key
- Being human is key
- Be honest is key
- No external investors
- No pressure
- Focus on client happiness
- not on investor happiness
Company Separation
- For us the only way
- Helps focusing
- Gives ownership
From a service company to a product company the story behind
By Michael Schmid
From a service company to a product company the story behind
- 1,712