Dear Drupal

we met many years ago
you showed us how to contributeĀ
you showed us new cultures
we partied
you taught us how to present
you helped growing many companies
from a couple of people
to a global company
you found us love <3
you changed a lot
Drupal 8 is a
new Drupal
- Upgrading is hard
- Modules work different
- OOP everywhere
- We have to learn so many new things
and they already talk about Drupal 9 š±
Adoption has slowed down
and it's scarry
DrupalCon attendees are going down
you created a lot of physical and mental pain

I'm sorry.
You want us to learn composer and the cli

You want us to learn JavaScript
and it's not the JavaScript we know
const getAllRoutesURLs = async () => {
const allRoutesObject = await routesGet();
let hosts = []
hosts = => {
const schema = ("tls" in route) ? 'https://' : 'http://'
return `${schema}${}`
return hosts
You have all these Security Issues

Is Drupal over?

is that our tomorrow?

who is Drupal?
all of us

we are in this together
change is what keeps us alive
the others are not sleeping
Drupal is powering the web
- 1 Mio Drupal Websites
- 5% of the top 1 Mio Websites are Drupal

- Drupal is used more and more by big and important websites
- Is more market share really better?
- Data Usage is voluntarily

Drupal 9 Upgrade
As easy as 8.x to 8.x+1 upgrade

- Camps are less intimidating than Cons
- Camps are closer to the people
- Camps are more affordable
- Sponsor Camps
- Send Employees to Camps
- Ask to go to Camps
Proudly found elsewhere
Proudly invented elsewhere
Embracing and using
other tools
- We've always done it (jQuery)
- Less work for us
- It brings the PHP Community closer together
- Easier to hire engineers
Package Manager
- There is no other way
- Everybody uses it
- Everybody has always used Package Managers
Drupal Security

Drupal Security
- Drupal is the most secure Open Source CMS
- Drupal Security team completely volunteers
- Same Processes like Linux, Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc.
- Hosting company have you covered
- There will be DrupalGeddon 3!
Decoupled Frontends

JavaScript is taking over
- Stanford: Introduction into Development via JavaScript
- JavaScript runs everywhere
- JavaScript Developers are easier to find
Decoupled Frameworks
- Facebook, BBC, Amazon, eBay, Netflix, and thousands more
- API First
- More development, design, UX capabilities
Drupal &
Decoupled Frameworks
- Drupal at forefront of Decoupling
- Full support for JSON-API and GraphQL
- Progressive Decoupling as a first step
- React Comments by Chapter Three
- Contenta CMS
- Angular, Elm, Ember, React, Vue, ...
Dear Drupal,
let's build the future together
- Accept and embrace change
from all of us - Investments from all of us

The Future of Drupal - TexasCamp 2018
By Michael Schmid
The Future of Drupal - TexasCamp 2018
- 1,472