Learn to Make a Website

with CodeCademy

Lesson 12: Online Store Pt. 2

Instruction Overview


- Understand what Lorem Ipsum text is and its value

- Display items horizontally using CSS flexbox


- Use wireframe from last lesson as a coding guide

- Display the homepage items as CSS cards similar to the portfolio page in past lessons


- Build out a dummy (contentless) version of the home page 

For the instructor's eyes only

We now have our wireframe guide

What's the next step?

Code without content

Create your layout, but don't spend time writing all the text and finding the perfect picture....use dummy content instead!

Class goals

☐ Understand and use Lorem Ipsum

☐ Develop a dummy homepage with items arranged as a grid

How do we write

filler text?

It needs to be realistic and easy

to copy and paste

Lorem Ipsum text

It's automatically generated dummy text that you can use on your website

and generate some text!

Use lorem ipsum text to fill one piece of content on your online store's home page

5 min

Class goals

Understand and use Lorem Ipsum

☐ Develop a dummy homepage with items arranged as a grid

It's time to build out

our "dummy" home page

Open up the wireframe for it

Use floating cards to organize the featured and normal items on the home page

20 min

How do we arrange items horizontally?

CSS can automatically

create a flexible grid

We can space each of the items out using margin

Use CSS flexbox (display: flex) to arrange your home page items into a grid 

15 min

Class goals

Understand and use Lorem Ipsum

Develop a dummy homepage with items arranged as a grid


Next Lesson:

Use our flex skills to create the dummy item page so we can start writing real content!

Make a Website with CodeCademy Lesson 12 - Online Store Pt. 2

By scholarstem

Make a Website with CodeCademy Lesson 12 - Online Store Pt. 2

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