Learn to Make a Website

with CodeCademy

Lesson 9: Shadows + Buttons

Instruction Overview


- The box-shadow effects with CSS cards

- How a link can be turned into a button


- Retrieve the card project from the last class and finalize the design using box shadow

- Use CSS to turn the link into a button


- Develop a HTML/CSS portfolio card that "floats" above the screen and has a button to lead to the project

Solution: https://codepen.io/scholarstem/pen/aMzdNz

For the instructor's eyes only

Class goals

☐Add a box-shadow to the card

☐Convert link into a pretty button

How does a box-shadow work?

Let's see how we can make our cards pop out of the screen!

These values move the shadow down and to the right

This value indicates the blur

This value indicates the color

Let's open up CodePen

Head over to www.codepen.io and open the project card page from last time

Add a box-shadow to your card (try out different options!)

8 min

Class goals

Add a box-shadow to the card

☐Convert link into a pretty button

We can make the card's corners more rounded

It's as simple as adding a border-radius

Add a border-radius to your card


5 min

Let's turn our ugly link into a pretty button

We can do it all with CSS!

First, let's get rid of the underline and change the color

Next, we can add a border around the button

Let the button breathe with some padding

Finally, round the corners with border-radius

Class goals

Add a box-shadow to the card

Convert link into a pretty button


Customize the button to your style (can make it bigger or a different color)

Figure out how to add space between the text and the button

You'll receive the solution in the next lesson!

10 min

Next Lesson:

Learn about the hover effect

Make a Website with CodeCademy Lesson 9 - Shadows + Buttons

By scholarstem

Make a Website with CodeCademy Lesson 9 - Shadows + Buttons

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