Virtual Reality with Google Cardboard

Lesson 7: Build a VR Maze

Instruction Overview



  • The value of planning and wireframing before jumping into a project
  • How to observe a VR game from a user's standpoint


  • Use to sketch out a maze outline for project


  • Develop a auto-moving VR maze using walls and other obstacles

For the instructor's eyes only

Create Goals

☐Sketch out wireframe of VR maze

☐Develop auto-moving VR maze in CoSpaces

Has anyone played a VR game before?

What was it like?

What are some things we should think about as we build a VR game?

1. Motion Sickness

Some things to think about...

It's really easy to get sick in VR. Don't move the camera too fast or too herky-jerky.

2. Simplicity

Some things to think about...

A game shouldn't be too complicated to understand.


KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.

3. Fun

Some things to think about...


Before we build our maze, let's sketch it out

We'll use


☐Sketch out the blueprint to your maze in

10 min

Create Goals

☑Sketch out wireframe of VR maze

☐Develop auto-moving VR maze in CoSpaces

Let's log into CoSpaces


Log in with your username and password

Your instructor will hand this out

Click Free Play and open the

second space

Create a new scene

Build out your 3D walls just like you drew in the blueprint

15 min

Activate the camera

Keep the camera moving!

Test your game!

Place it into the Cardboard and let someone else try it

Create Goals

Sketch out wireframe of VR maze

Develop auto-moving VR maze in CoSpaces

Next Lesson:
Making a game with scores

It's not fun unless you can get a high score!

VR Lesson 7 - Build a VR Maze

By scholarstem

VR Lesson 7 - Build a VR Maze

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