Open Data Overview
Maksim Pecherskiy
Performance & Analytics Department
Who Is This Guy?
- Chief Data Officer, City of San Diego
- Performance & Analytics Department
- Lots of years doing software engineering
- Worked in Puerto Rico through Code for America
- Saw how powerful data can be when used inside government
- Provide High Quality Public Service
- Work in partnership with all our communities to achieve safe and livable neighborhoods.
- Create and sustain a resilient, economically prosperous city.
Opening data ties in directly with each of our Strategic Goals and allows us to monitor how we're doing at meeting them
San Diego
Open Data Policy
- Passed December 2014.
- Mayor strong support.
- Council strong support.
Draws on other existing policies.
Defines terms, making sure data meets "open criteria"
Assigns responsibilities to Chief Data Officer and to City Departments
Sets timeline
Includes reporting requirements to Mayor and Council
Let's Talk About Data
State of Data, SD, 2015
State of Data, SD, 2015
- Closed
- Misunderstood
- Hard to find
- Unknown
- Scattered
- Uncentralized
State of Data, SD, 2015
- PRA Nightmares
- Misinterpretation
- Slowdowns
- Re-Work
- Lack of Innovation
- Frustration
And How It Feels to Work With It
- Download PDF
- Download Tabula
- Download Java
- Extract Page #5
- Run Tabula
- Select and Extract Table Data
- Import into Excel
- Fix headers
- Paste into viz tool
- Visualize
Total Time: 1 Hour
- Accessible
- Described
- Reusable
- Timely
- Complete
- Treated like asset
- Centralized
- Machine Readable
Where we can be
- Efficient PRA
- No Re-Work
- Innovation
- Empowerment
- Efficiency
- Engaged Citizens
- Minimized Misinterpretation
- Reliability
- Data Usage for decisions
- Cool apps!
"Open data is not just about putting spreadsheets on the internet.
It means being deliberate and thoughtful about what is released, how it's released, and how it's described.
Treating data like an asset and releasing it properly goes directly hand-in-hand with making sure that it's secure and mitigating opportunities for misuse"
We Can go From This
To This
San Diego
Can Be A Leader
In This Space.
What is [Open] Data?
What is Data?
"Data is something you can take, and do something else with."
(Besides print it or send it in an e-mail).
NOT Data
Open Data
Open Data is
Data in an Open Machine Readable Format
- CSV (not XLS)
- ShapeFiles
- iCal
Not Beautiful
[Open] Data is Not
A Website
A Dashboard or Chart
A Map
A PDF / Mobile App or E-Mail
But It Can Enable Them
We MUST allow the capability to separate data from how it's shown or used in order for it to have value beyond what the visualization / tool intended
The user may not share your opinion of how to use the data
Open Data can be separated from how it's and used.
Machine Readable, Open Formats
Upcoming Key Dates
- March 31, 2015 - Guidelines for Data Inventory
- June 1, 2015 - Inventory to be completed by departments
- July 1, 2015 - Technical Guidelines (To address release protocol and PII)
- July 1, 2015 - Initial Written Status Report
The Inventory - 3 Main Steps
- Identify Data Sources - April
- Identify Data Sets - May 1
- Complete Catalog - June 1
Parks and Rec is Doing Great!
After the Inventory?
- Technical Guidelines
- Publishing Plan
- Data Review
- Prioritization Plan
- Review Inventory, prioritize
See this
presentation Online!
Yes, There's a PDF version:
Let's Do
Open Data
By sdcdo
Open Data
- 1,756