Open Data Policy
Performance & Analytics Department
Today, Our Data Is...
- Closed
- Misunderstood
- Hard to find
- Unknown
- Scattered.
Open Data is...
- Accessible
- Described
- Reusable
- Timely
- Complete
As a City Employee,
Open Data Lets Me...
- Increase operational efficiency.
- Make it easier to access information from other departments.
- Be transparent about what my department is doing.
- Stimulate economic activity and innovation.
- Improve decision making and accountability.
- Engage in a community of other municipalities.
As a San Diegan,
Open Data Lets Me...
- Engage with my government.
- Find the information I need.
- Learn where I can open my business.
- Avoid construction in my commute.
- Find things going on this week.
- Learn about where I live.
- Build applications to help my neighbors.
- Find support services when I'm in need.
An Example
Let's Visualize Budget Data
As an interactive chart
- Download PDF
- Download Tabula
- Download Java
- Extract Page #5
- Run Tabula
- Select and Extract Table Data
- Import into Excel
- Fix headers
- Paste into viz tool
- Visualize
Total Time: 1 Hour
- Copy
- Paste
Total Time: 2 Minutes
The Goal
- Automatic
Total Time: 0.003 Seconds (probably less)
Less Effort.
Same Result.
Open Data Policy
Open Data Policy:
Draws on other existing policies.
Defines terms, making sure data meets "open criteria"
Assigns responsibilities to Chief Data Officer and to City Departments
Sets timeline
Includes reporting requirements to Mayor and Council
Past | Present | Future
Open Data's Timeline is Open Data
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And We're Just Starting Out
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Open Data Policy Presentation
By sdcdo
Open Data Policy Presentation
- 4,373