Introduction to Functional Programming

Sébastien BESNIER

initialModel =
    { count = 0 }

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement

update msg model =
    case msg of
        Increment ->
            { model | count = model.count + 1 }

        Decrement ->
            { model | count = model.count - 1 }

view model =
    div [style "font-size" "200%"]
        [ button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+1" ]
        , div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.count ]
        , button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-1" ]

Challenge: Reset to 0

No mutation! Only values and pure functions



No mutation! Only values and pure functions


Do you know impure functions?

See Elm architecture:

eight = 5 + 3


Try it online

eight = round 8.3

Function call

add a b = a + b

Function definition

add a b = a + b

-- call that function:
eight = add 7 1

Function definition


Compute length of \(\texttt{"hello world"}\) and add 5 to it using the \(\texttt{add}\) function (in 1 expresion!)

String.length "abc" -- returns 3
eight = add 7 1

add a b = a + b

Order of declarations does not matter

add : Int -> Int -> Int
add a b = a + b


String.length : ???

What is the type of String.length ?

String.length : String -> Int

What is the type of String.length ?

add3 a b c = a + b + c

What is the type of add3?

    -> Int
    -> Int
    -> Int
add3 a b c = a + b + c

Good practice:
add type anotation!

String.append "hello " "world" 
-- returns "hello world"

What is the type of String.append ?

String.append "hello " "world" 
-- returns "hello world"

String.append : String -> String -> String

What is the type of String.append ?

t = add 5 String.append "hey" "hoy"

f a b = 
   String.length (String.append a b)

g a b =
    add (String.append a a) b  
h a b =
    add (String.append a b) b

What is the type of the following expressions?

user = 
    { name = "Seb"
    , score = 42
    , city = "Paris"


user : User
user = 
    { name = "Seb"
    , score = 42
    , city = "Paris"


type alias User =
    { name : String
    , score : Int
    , city : String


newUser =
    { user | score = 43 }

newUserBis =
    { user | score = user.score + 1 }

Record updates

newUser : User
newUser =
    { user | score = 43 }

newUserBis : User
newUserBis =
    { user | score = user.score + 1 }

Record updates

rewardUser : User -> User
-- increase the score by one

Record updates

rewardUser : User -> User
rewardUser user =
    { user | score = user.score + 1 }

Record updates

Challenge: add type definition for the model in the counter example

Custom types

Records to store multiple data
(name, score, city....)

Custom types

Records to store multiple data
(name, score, city....)

What about data following various patterns ?

Modeling a shape

      Point                          Circle Float           Rectangle Float Float




What is the type of a shape?

Reminder: counter

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement

First variant

 Second variant

Modeling a shape

      Point                          Circle Float           Rectangle Float Float




Modeling a shape

      Point                          Circle Float           Rectangle Float Float

Modeling a shape

type Shape =
    Point | Circle Float | Rectangle Float Float

Use a custom type

myRect = Rectangle 10 20

bigCircle = Circle 420000

describe : ???
describe shape =
  case shape of
    Point ->
      "A lonely point"
    Circle radius ->
      "A circle of radius " 
         ++ String.fromFloat radius
    Rectangle width height ->
      "A rectangle of area "
         ++ String.fromFloat (width*height)

Use a custom type

myRect = Rectangle 10 20

bigCircle = Circle 420000

describe : Shape -> String
describe shape =
  case shape of
    Point ->
      "A lonely point"
    Circle radius ->
      "A circle of radius " 
         ++ String.fromFloat radius
    Rectangle width height ->
      "A rectangle of area "
         ++ String.fromFloat (width*height)


Defined by the language

-- Defined by Elm
type Bool = True | False

-- our code:
myBool = True

res = 
 case myBool of
    True -> 42
    False -> 18


Defined by the language

-- Defined by Elm
type Bool = True | False

-- our code:
myBool = True

res =
 case myBool of
    True -> 42
    False -> 18
res =
  if myBool then

Preferred way:

if(condition) {
   myVar = 42;
} else {
   myVar = 18;
myVar = condition ? 42 : 18;



in imperative language (Java, C, Python...)



in imperative language (Java, C, Python...)


myVar = condition ? 42 : 18;



changes the state


compute a new value

if(condition) {
   myVar = 42;
} else {
   myVar = 18;

Implement highlight on hover


1st step: define Model & Msg and implement update

A bit of maths

  • Custom types are "sum" types
  • Records are "product" types
  • (Functions are "exponent" types)

That's all you need!

[] -- empty list
[1, 2, 6] : List number
["Hello", "world"] : List String


[] -- empty list
[1, 2, 6] : List number
["Hello", "world"] : List String
["Hello", 42] -- impossible!

Lists are homogeneous

ages : List Int
ages = [ 18, 14, 35, 10, 51 ]

agesInFiveYears : List Int
agesInFiveYears =
    -- add five to each element

No for-loops!

addFive : Int -> Int
addFive x = 5 + x

ages : List Int
ages = [ 18, 14, 35, 10, 51 ]

agesInFiveYears : List Int
agesInFiveYears = addFive ages

No for-loops! :
    (a -> b)
    -> List a
    -> List b

agesInFiveYears = addFive ages

Map signature

ages : List Int
ages = [ 18, 14, 35, 10, 51 ]

-- transform into : 
-- [ "18 ans", "14 ans", ... ]

-- Hint:
-- String.fromInt : Int -> Str

Map challenge

ages : List Int
ages = [ 18, 14, 35, 10, 51 ]

displayAge : Int -> String
displayAge age =
    String.fromInt age ++ " ans"

agesDisplayed = displayAge ages

Map challenge

{-| Compute the total number of chars in the 
list of strings given in argument. Example:
    totalLength ["hey!", "I am", "Hungry!!"]
returns 16
totalLength : List String -> Int
totalLength strings = ...

-- HINT: List.sum : List Int -> Int

Map challenge 2

{-| Compute the total number of chars in the 
list of strings given in argument. Example:
    totalLength ["hey!", "I am", "Hungry!!"]
returns 16
totalLength : List String -> Int
totalLength strings =
  List.sum ( String.length strings)

Map challenge 2

Implement a Nim game



  • 10 lucifers     at the beginning
  • 2 players
  • at his turn, the player can take 1,2 or 3 matches
  • the player taking the last lucifer lost


By groups of ~2, about 5-10 mins.

  1. Trees (the data structure): examples, how to implement it in elm, some basic algorithms (e.g. computing depth) -> Lionel, Teddy, Ilyane
  2. Modules: how do they work in elm? How do we use them to enforce some properties (give concrete examples)? Keyword: Opaque Type
    -> Hugo, Jacky
  3. List.foldr/List.foldl: explain how it works, give some examples (maybe compare some "for loop" implementation with foldX one?). How to write "map" from it?
    -> Léo, Luis
  4. Lists: How could we define the List type ourself? How to implement length/map/filter with this implementation? (to simplify, we could just define "List of Ints")
    -> Rémy, Nacer
  5. Maybe/Result: how do we handle errors in Elm? Give the definition of those types. Give examples with "map" (and if you feel it, "andThen")
    -> Maxime, Gaspard
-- True if the 1st arg is in the second arg
member : a -> List a -> Bool

-- True if any element of the list is True
any : List Bool -> Bool

-- True if all elements of the list is True
all : List Bool -> Bool

-- rewrite member using map and any

isAscending : List Int -> Bool

Exercises on list

implement those functions using recursion and List.foldl (except for the last: use only recursion)

import Dict exposing (Dict)

d1 = Dict.empty

d2 = Dict.insert "Seb" 42 d1

age = case Dict.get "Seb" d2 of
  Just a -> "Seb is " ++ String.fromInt a
  Nothing -> "I don't know Seb"

d3 = 
  Dict.fromList [("Seb", 42), ("George", 45)]


associate a key to a value


associate a key to a value



See the docs:


Keys have to be comparable:

String, Int, Float, List and Tuples of comparable are comparable


People list!


Follow the TODOs!



type alias Affectation =
    { varName : String
    , value : Int
fromString :
    -> Affectation

fromString "foo = 3" 


Introduction to Functional Programming

By sebbes

Introduction to Functional Programming

  • 437