Thomas Edison didn’t invent the stinking lightbulb

Why collaboration trumps

talent every time

Hello, world.

My name is Andrew Hedges.

I work as an Engineering Manager at Zapier.

You wouldn’t guess it, but I’m pretty good at singing.

I’ve always wanted to be a stunt car driver.

The Collab Lab


  • Pair programming
  • Code reviews
  • Pull/merge requests


  • Whelp, mentoring!
  • Project management
  • Agile practices

Thomas Edison didn’t invent the stinking lightbulb. Why collaboration trumps talent every time.

By Andrew Hedges

Thomas Edison didn’t invent the stinking lightbulb. Why collaboration trumps talent every time.

Our society perpetuates the myth of the lone genius when in fact it’s teams that create the most value in the world.

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