About me
Employed as a Software Developer since 2008
Doing web dev since 2012
About this course
The only way to learn web dev is practice
Check out 180 sites in 180 days
There are fundamental knowledge, but practice should come first
Marks are mostly for your self-assesment
We are going to avoid frameworks/libs
Essential skills
Asking for help
Not giving up
Show of hands
Who came with a computer
Web dev experience anyone?
Git/Github experience?
Are you ok with using VK group for coordination?
Text editor
Browser with good inspector (Firefox/Chrome)
Show something already!
HTML basics
Box model
Display (block, inline, etc)
HTML elements
Semantic difference
Different default styles
CSS basics
How to add CSS to a page
CSS vs inline styles
Let's start your task
Let's use YouTube.com as an example
Cross-browser markup
Experimental features and vendor prefixes
Normalize the page
Responsive design
Media queries
Browser tools
Let's implement mobile version
Basic usage of JavaScript
How to add scripts
What is DOM?
Selectors and event listeners
Who heard about jQuery?
Use JS for scrolling effects
Notes on doing markup
You would normally start with design first
Going top-down and using colored blocks is still a good idea
If you have an issue go back to colored blocks
Make website look decent
Color scheme
Stock photos
Notes about frameworks
Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize-css
It's good to understand what they are doing
Frameworks usually include normalization
The less JS - the better
Time to get your tasks and start hacking!
Web tech: session 1
By Sergey Smyshlyaev
Web tech: session 1
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