Sergiy Voronov

prototyping portfolio

About me

Born Ukraine, live in the UK with lovely 2 kids and wife


20+ years of design experience

Prototyping is passion


Fan of coding in general, react hooks still confuses me

Projector community

I am building design community in London focused around design tools and prototyping.


Running Framer, Figma events for 4 years, expanding to graphics design and VR.

Android unlock screen

Started my Framer journey with some SVG drawing and arrays

Spotify cross-device

First time got my hands on API's - Firebase and Spotify

#spotify API
# this finds our albums
exports.searchAlbums = (query) ->
	r = new XMLHttpRequest
	qString = "?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query) + "&type=album" 'GET', '' + qString, false
	r.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
	r.onreadystatechange = ->
		if r.readyState != 4 or r.status != 200
		response = JSON.parse(r.responseText)
		exports.albums = response.albums


# this gets a specific track
exports.fetchTracks = (albumId) ->
	r = new XMLHttpRequest 'GET', '' + albumId, false
	r.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
	r.onreadystatechange = ->
		if r.readyState != 4 or r.status != 200
		response = JSON.parse(r.responseText)
		exports.tracks = response.tracks.items
		# print tracks
		# = track.preview_url
		# artist.html = track.artists[0].name


Droid companion

First time using hardware prototyping and node.js

head.on "change:x", ->
 firebase.patch("/sphero", {"rotation": rotation})
 colorKnob.on "change:x", ->
 colorHSL=new Color("hsl(#{hue}, 100, 50)")
 hex=colorHSL.toHexString()firebase.patch("/sphero", {"color": hex})

Google maps

Worked on Framer module to connect Framer with Mapbox API.


Prototype itself relies on Google Maps Search and Direction API

Smarthome hardware, webhooks, Phillips Hue bridge API


Created module to connect framer to (dialogflow), module to create messenger chatbots

#framer info
Framer.Info =
	title: "Pizza hut facebook messenger bot"
	description: " module, ios kit module, fb messenger bot module"
	author: "Sergey Voronov"
	twitter: "mamezito"

chatBot = require "chatBot"
api_ai = require 'apiai'
#change token to your token here
token = "e0da974e397747a58fbd7683013cbf8f"
session=Utils.randomNumber(0, 100000)

#initial settings
botName="Pizza Hut"
likes="282k people like this"
botCategory="Food delivery"


 #callback function that uses response from
	msg=new chatBot.Message
			print data

#bot logic
#function checking for user input
	#we are sending users input as string to
	#using sendfunc as callback when response with data is ready
	api_ai.send input,sendfunc, token, session


Framer X prototyping of onboarding experience for swedish fintech

 import * as React from "react"
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import { Frame, addPropertyControls, ControlType } from "framer"
import { NumberKey, BackKey } from "./canvas"
const keys = [
    "1", "2", "3", "4","5","6", "7", "8","9","0","00","backspace",

export function Keyboard({ gap, background, highlight, value, onValueChange }) {
    function updateValue(key) {
        const val =
            key !== "backspace"
                ? value + key
                : value.toString().substring(0, value.toString().length - 1)
        const number = Number.parseFloat(val)
        onValueChange(number ? number : 0)

    return (
            style={{ display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", alignItems: "center" }}
            { => (
                        position: "relative",
                        marginLeft: gap,
                        marginTop: gap,
                        background: background,
                        height: 48,
                        width: `calc((100% - ${gap}px * 4)/3)`,
                        borderRadius: 4,
                        background: highlight,
                    onTap={() => updateValue(key)}
                    {key !== "backspace" ? (
                        <NumberKey value={key} center={true} />
                    ) : (
                        <BackKey size={32} center={true} />

Keyboard.defaultProps = {
    value: "",
    height: 128,
    width: 240,
    gap: 6,
    background: "white",
    highlight: "#ccc",
    onValueChange(value: number) {},

addPropertyControls(Keyboard, {
    value: {
        title: "Value",
        type: ControlType.String,
        defaultValue: "",
    gap: {
        title: "Gap",
        type: ControlType.Number,
        defaultValue: 6,
    background: {
        title: "Background",
        type: ControlType.Color,
        defaultValue: "#0099ff",
    highlight: {
        title: "Highlight",
        type: ControlType.Color,
        defaultValue: "#0099ff",


Working on smart tariff - lots of real data visualisation


Building Figma ui kit for design system


Building Framer X package for design system


Figma to React plugin

import * as React from "react";
import { PropertyControls, ControlType } from "framer";
import { Dropdown } from "@bulb/design/modules/Dropdown";

interface Props {
  name: string;
  color: string;
  width: number;
  height: number;
  options: [];

export class DropDown extends React.Component {
  static defaultProps = {

static propertyControls: PropertyControls<Props> = {
  label: { type: ControlType.String, title: "Label" },
  errorMessage: { type: ControlType.String, title: "Error Message" },
  options: {
    type: ControlType.Array,
    propertyControl: { type: ControlType.String },
    defaultValue: ["example"]
  status: { 
      type: ControlType.SegmentedEnum, 
      title: "Status",
      options: ["unknown", "invalid", "valid"],
      optionTitles: ["default", "error", "success"]

  render() {
    const { status, label, errorMessage, options, labelHeading } = this.props;

    return (
      <Dropdown label={label} status={status} onChange={(e) => console.log(} errorMessage={errorMessage}>
     { => <option>{o}</option>)}  </Dropdown>
// This file holds the main code for the plugins. It has access to the *document*.
// You can access browser APIs in the <script> tag inside "ui.html" which has a
// full browser environment (see documentation).

// This shows the HTML page in "ui.html".
figma.showUI(__html__, { width: 350, height: 250 });

figma.ui.onmessage = (msg: MessageRequest) => {
  const message = getMessage(msg.type);
  return figma.ui.postMessage(message);

 * Messages

function getMessage(type: MessageRequestType): MessageResponse {
  switch (type) {
    case "get-react-code":
      const node = getNode();
      if (node) {
        const code = getComponentCode(node);
        if (code) {
          return {
            type: "success",
            message: "Code delivered",
            payload: { code }
      return {
        type: "error",
        message: `Sorry, we couldn't generate code for that selection`,
        payload: null
    case "clear":
      return {
        type: "clear",
        message: "Clear the code please",
        payload: null
      return {
        type: "error",
        message: `Something went wrong`,
        payload: null

 * Node traversal

function validNodes(selection) {
  return selection.filter((sel: SceneNode) => {
    // TODO: more robust filter for radio group
    return (
      sel.type === "INSTANCE" ||
      (sel.type === "GROUP" &&"radio-group"))

function getNode(): (InstanceNode & ChildrenMixin) | null {
  const selection: (InstanceNode & ChildrenMixin)[] = validNodes(
  // For now just getting the first;
  // will probably need something more sophisticated eventually
  return (selection.length && selection[0]) || null;

 * Component code

function getComponentCode(node): string | null {
  const text = getText(node);

  const { name: instanceName } = node;
  const [componentName, type] = instanceName.split("_");
  const componentFn = getComponentFn(componentName);
  return componentFn({ text, type, node });

function getComponentFn(
  componentName: string
): ({ text, type }: ComponentProps) => string | null {
  return (
    componentMap[componentName] ||
    (() => {
      return null;

 * Component definitions
// TODO - for now we can inline these, but if we use this a lot
// and/or if components change a lot, worth looking at finding a way to
// pull the data directly from Solar.
// For now, we should indicate in the `design` repo when we've added a component here,
// to be sure that people update this info when component structure changes in `design`.

const componentMap = {
  "CTA-Button": function CtaButton({ text, type }: ComponentProps): string {
    return `<CtaButton purpose="${getPurpose(type)}">${text}</CtaButton>`;
  "CTA-link": function CtaLink({ text, type }: ComponentProps): string {
    return `<CtaLink purpose="${getPurpose(type)}">${text}</CtaLink>`;
  Pathway: function Pathway({ text, type }: ComponentProps): string {
    return `<Pathway purpose="${getPurpose(type)}">${text}</Pathway>`;
  "check-box": function Checkbox({ text, type }: ComponentProps): string {
    return `<Checkbox${isChecked(type)} label="${text}"/>`;
  "radio-group": function RadioButtons({ type, node }: ComponentProps): string {
    const options = getOptions(node);
    const selected = options.find(o => o.selected === true);
    const value = selected ? selected.value : "";
    const possibleValues = JSON.stringify({ title, value }) => ({ title, value }))
    return `<RadioButtons
    ${value && `value="${value}"`} 
    answerQuestion={()=>{/** Your function **/}} />`;
  icon: function SvgIcon({ type, node }: ComponentProps): string {
    const color = getColor(node);
    return `<SvgIcon name="${type}"${color &&
      ` color={palette.brand.${color}}`} />`;

function getOptions(node: ComponentNode & ChildrenMixin): Option[] {
  return node
    .findAll(node => node.type === "INSTANCE")
    .map((node: ComponentNode & ChildrenMixin) => {
      const { name: instanceName } = node;
      const [, type] = instanceName.split("_");
      const title = getText(node);
      return {
        selected: type === "selected",
        value: toKebabCase(title)

function getColor(node: ComponentNode & ChildrenMixin) {
  // TODO convert fill Id to fill Name
  return "blue";

function getPurpose(type: string): string {
  const map = {
    outline: "secondary"
  return map[type] || type;

function isChecked(type) {
  return type === "selected" ? " checked" : "";

 * Text nodes

function getTextNode(node: ChildrenMixin): TextNode {
  return node.findOne(
    node => node.type === "TEXT" && node.characters.length > 0
  ) as TextNode;

function getText(node: ComponentNode & ChildrenMixin): string | null {
  const textNode = getTextNode(node);
  if (!textNode) return null;
  return textNode.characters.trim();

 * Types

type MessageRequestType = "get-react-code" | "clear";
type MessageResponseType = "success" | "error" | "clear";

interface MessageResponse {
  type: MessageResponseType;
  message: string;
  payload: { code: string };
interface MessageRequest {
  type: MessageRequestType;

type ComponentTypes = "CTA-Button" | "CTA-link" | "Pathway";
interface ComponentProps {
  text: string;
  type: string;
  node?: ComponentNode & ChildrenMixin;
interface Option {
  title: string;
  value: string;
  selected: boolean;
 * Utils

function toKebabCase(str) {
  return (
    str &&
      .map(x => x.toLowerCase())


Prototyping contract for startup incubator


Framer classic prototyping contract


Design system and product code

3d - blender

Spare time learning 3d

Spark ar and Unity

Fascinated by AR and at some point want to explore VR space

Thank you :)

Prototyping portfolio

By Sergey Voronov

Prototyping portfolio

  • 285