Serhat Özdemir
Information System Engineering
Prof.Dr.Hüseyin Sevay
Engineering as Social experimentation
Engineering as Social experimentation
What is the social experimantation for engınnering?
Social Engineering for critical thinking - critical thinking - the people before passing in front of critical thinking, and I will mention a concept defined in psychology.
Why we learn experimantation Ethics?
Ethics is a crucial part of the idea of professionalism!
Engineering as social experimentation
Experimentation plays an important role in the process of designing the product.
When it is decided to change a new engineering concept into its first rough design.
Engineering as Social Experimentation
- All products of technology present some potential dangers,
- and thus engineering is an inherently risky activity. In
- order to underscore this fact and help in exploring its
- ethical implications.
Social Importance of Engineering
- Engineering has a direct and vital effect on the quality of
- life of people. Accordingly, the services provided by
- engineers must be dedicated to the protection of the
- public safety, health and welfare.
Similarities to Standard Experiments
• Projects carried out in partial ignorance, outcomes
are uncertain...
– Engineers are asked to make things work without all the
available scientific knowledge,including that about
humans safety facts, environment, health, social
Learning from the Past..
• Product history matters! Respect the past! • Can you always know it? Competence, openness to learning. Do not be afraid to ask! • Are there good communication channels in your own company? • Between different departments?
Contrasts with Standard Experiments
– Cannot control what humans may do with a product. – What applications will it be used for? – Will they subject it to unforseen stresses? – Keystone of engineer - public interaction – What “experiments” are acceptable? Keep in mind that.
Experimental Control
Members for two groups should be selected in a standard experimental control, i.e
Group A and Group B. The members of the group ‘A’ should be given the special
experimental treatment. The group ‘B’ do not receive the same though they are in the same
Comparisons with standard Experiments
Engineering is entirely different from standard experiments in few aspects.
Those differences are very much helpful to find out the special responsibilities of engineers.
Ethical Implications
--Engineering should viewed as an
--Experimental Process.
--an experiment conducted not just in a laboratory
--experiment on social scale
Engineering as Experimentation
• Example: Titanic (1522 dead)! Affected ship design...
•Example: Software engineering and test: – How much? Expensive! – Sophistication level of software, how deployed matters – Historical information about software test is used to know how much is needed now.
- a mechanism or procedure for escape from harm
in the event a product fails.
--Experimentation - most commonly recognized as
--playing an essential role in the design process
Enginnering just like experimentation demands practioner to remain alert and well informed.....
Moral Autonomy
This refers to the personal involvement in one’s activities. People are morally autonomous only when their moral conduct and principles of actions are their.
The people those who feel their responsibility, always accept moral responsibilities
for their actions. It is known as accountable. In short, ‘accountable’ means being culpable and
hold responsible for faults.
Responsible Experimentalists...
1. Conscientiousness: Protect safety knowledge, respect right of consent of public 2. Comprehensive perspective: Awareness of experimental nature of projects, forecasting, monitoring.
Taking charge…
• Engineers are not the sole experimenters – Managers – Marketing people – Public • But, “with knowledge comes responsibility” • An engineering professional will take on the responsibility!
Role of Laws in Engineering
Rules of responsible experimentation. - Laws can produce many benefits - Produce minimal standards of professional conduct.
Balanced Outlook on Law...
• Not covering engineering law here
• You may learn some on-the-job
• Likely to learn some “industrial standards,”
The codes of ethics have to be adopted by engineering societies as well as by engineers. These codes exhibit the rights, duties, and obligations of the members of a profession. Codes are the set of laws and standards. A code of ethics provides a framework for ethical judgment for a professional.
Where is the social experimentation?
It is in the case since it was via social
experimentation that they came up with the
new standards
– Old standards, show that they are not enough
testing to catch a problem with the software
– New standards invented to capture the problem,
that then new testing is needed to reveal.
Copy of slayt
By Serhat Özdemir
Copy of slayt
my presentation
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