osm in high school: Cape cod

Shawn Goulet

Cape Cod Commission / Maptime Cape Cod

Thank you!

OpenStreetmap uS

Barnstable Public Schools : Social Studies

Hilary Mueller (AP Human Geography Teacher) &

Ginny Turner (Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator 6-12)


Mashpee Public Schools : Social Studies

Celeste Reynolds : AP Human Geography Teacher


Who am i?

GIS Analyst by trade

some Editing (and a lot of promoting OSM) since 2013

2nd SOTMUS Conference

Believe in the power and value of OSM as a geo & digital ed platform

opportunity for impactful U.S. education enhancement : geo ed & digital ed

there's 15 high schools in my county


AP HUMan geography

2010 - present


The College Board (over 6,000 worldwide educational institutions)


Built upon the National Geography Standards (dev 1994 & rev 2012)


1st objective for students upon completion: "interpret maps and analyze geospatial data"

barnstable high school (2014-2015)

Section 1

Section 2

10 female students


8 male students

9 female students


10 male students

mashpee high school

Senior who excelled at AP HuGe freshman year


Developing a plan for integration in 2015/2016 for senior project


Meetings and correspondence throughout the school year


Why might you listen to me?

You enjoy giving back

You view OSM as a platform

for modern day geo & digital ed

Unsure if pre-University-Aged OSM

mapping is productive or you are against it

The future of OSM mapping is important to you

some day, your job could be less burdensome


format for teaching osm editing

to u.s. secondary ed level

What has been challenging?

What i suggest could possibly help

what has happened?


March 2013  :  Idea Born

April 2014  :  My 1st SOTMUS Conference & OSM Introduction

June 2014  :  1st OSM edits

Fall 2014  :  OSM Intro & 1st Edits (3 meetings)

Winter 2014/2015  :  Lots of snow

June 2016  :  Re-introduction & 3 weeks of editing

Northwestern University TimelineJS


Maptime HQ's intro: maptime.io/osm-101/#0


Mele Sax-Barnett's intro: pdxmele.com/FOSS4G_OSM_workshop.pdf

Intro to OSM

Most beginners need to learn by starting, letting go of any fear

field papers

Prior to iD editing, following intro

assign grids


assessable &


utilize google docs

If not a "Google School", easy to make accounts


Easy to access, organize, track, produce products

OSM Journal

osm map features


all questions about how to edit specific features

Tie OSM Map Features into the course sections

2014/2015 AP Human Geography, The College Board


1.  Need progressive, motivated educators

2.  OSM is not part of the curriculum or any initiatives

3.  Need to be flexible

4.  Support from the OSM community

5.  Learning to teach


find a passionate program head and/or teacher


practice patience


thoughts from OSM vets


Ramp up involvement & dedication for on-boarding/TeachOSM

am I doing this "right"?

what is the "right" way?

In the future

when the time is right

Advanced editing


OSM data & GIS software excercises


Leverage OSM data to develop simple apps

Thank you



SOTMUS 2015 - OSM in High School: Cape Cod

By Shawn Goulet

SOTMUS 2015 - OSM in High School: Cape Cod

Presentation given at SOTMUS 2015

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