Optimizing Long-term Social Welfare in Recommender Systems

Mladenov et al. (ICML 2020)

MLRG, Winter 2021: Responsible ML

Betty Shea, 2021-11-24

*picture from AP

MLRG theme: Responsible ML

  • Bias to address
  • What is unfair?
  • What is fair?

Introduction presentation

  • ranking bias
  • discrimination
  • equal opportunity

MLRG theme: Responsible ML

  • Bias to address Introduce ranking bias
  • What is unfair? Social welfare
  • What is fair? Unequal opportunity

Today's paper

Classic ethics question

Individual rights

Common good

* picture from AFP

* picture from socialprotection.org

Taxation / social insurance

Main points from paper

  • better algorithm for recommender systems
  • unrealistic to consider individual utility in isolation
  • myopic matching policies lead to suboptimal outcomes
  • connection to outcomes that are `fairer in a utilitarian sense'






Recommender system policy


Per user

Per provider

Provider abandons RS platform if viability threshold not met.

1-d examples

1-d examples

  • Three content providers each with viability = 2
  • Six users with utility based on distance to provider

1-d examples

  • Myopic RS matching

1-d examples

  • Result
  • users 1, 2 and 3 --> provider 1
  • users 4 and 5 --> provider 2
  • user 6 --> provider 3
  • Provider 3 goes out of business
  • Maximizes total utility: 10 + 2

1-d examples

  • Result of subsequent rounds
  • users 1, 2 and 3 --> provider 1
  • users 4, 5 and 6--> provider 2
  • Per round total utility: 8 + 2
  • user 6's utility goes from 2 to 0 without provider 3

1-d examples

  • Non-myopic policy could be
  • users 1 and 2 --> provider 1
  • users 3 and 4 --> provider 2
  • users 5 and 6 --> provider 3
  • Per round total utility: 10 - 2
  • Users 3 and 5 gives up 2     utility per round


  • subsidize provider 3
  • slightly lower rewards for users 3 and 5 at every timestep for perpetuity
  • much higher reward for user 6 for perpetuity

Social welfare

  • group every T timesteps into an epoch
  • at epoch k under policy
  • long-run social welfare


  • subset of providers that are viable in the long run
  • many equilibria - find the one that maximizes long-run social welfare
  • achieve with a single rule to apply across all epochs

Objective (for any epoch)

(expectation over user query distribution, timesteps within epoch and policy)

Objective (for any epoch)

  • maximize social welfare
  • ensure that all providers remain viable
  • how does this translate to optimality over infinite epochs?

Solving the problem

  • linear programming 
  • polynomial time for 1/     approximation

If utility function is additive

For non-linear utility functions

  • linearize


  • linear programming solution to the welfare objective (LP-RS)
  • three datasets
  • synthetic data
  • Movielens movie ratings
  • SNAP 2010 Twitter follower
  • myopic policies underperform LP-RS

Model refinements

  • fairness to individual users
  • incomplete information
  • robustness to changes in query distributions
  • full RL approach

Fairness to individual users

  • long-run utility for       under 
  • denote      as the best possible policy for 
  • define fairness in terms of regret

Fairness to individual users

  • regret of      under
  • maximum regret under 
  • add a penalty term to objective based on MR


  • constraint in objective does not take into account relative cost of subsidizing providers
  • regret benchmark (optimal policy for individual user) a bit unrealistic
  • penalizing maximum regret does not necessarily protect individuals and requires picking regret-tradeoff parameter values


By sheaws


  • 413