An online tool for visualising nuclear data

J. Shimwell, A. Koning, F. Thomas

Typical data flow

Static image of plot sent

Plotting performed

Client side

Server side

Plotting performed

list of available interactions

User requests an interaction

User visits website

Static image of plot sent

User rescales graph

User saves plot

User inspects data values

Plotting performed

Static image of plot sent

Data flow

list of available interactions

User requests an interaction

x, y data sent to user

Plotting functions

User visits website

Client side

Server side

Plotting performed

User rescales graph

User saves plot

User inspects data values

JavaScript plotting library

Code in Python, JavaScript, R, Matlab


Make or edit plots using the dashboard


Share plots online and collaborate


Embed interactive plots into presentations or webpages

Example cross section graph

evaluation and EXFOR

Example cross section graph 2

multiple evaluations

Method of finding cross sections

Angular distribution plots

Download options

  • Material cross sections so that concrete, Li4SiO4, etc can be plotted easily

Future work

JEFF 2016

By Jonathan Shimwell

JEFF 2016

Online plotting software

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