A possible approach for visualising nuclear data online

J. Shimwell



Typical data flow

Static image of plot sent

Plotting performed

Client side

Server side

Plotting performed

list of available interactions

User requests an interaction

User visits website

Static image of plot sent

User rescales graph

User saves plot

User inspects data values

Plotting performed

Static image of plot sent

Suggested Data flow (google like search and client side plotting)

list of similar interactions returned (ordered by relevancy to search)

User enters search phase

x, y data sent to user

Plotting functions

User visits website

Client side

Server side

Plotting performed

User rescales graph

User saves plot

User inspects data values

MySQL fuzzy search of all interations

User requests an interaction

JavaScript plotting library

Code in Python, JavaScript, R, Matlab


Make or edit plots using the dashboard


Share plots online and collaborate


Embed plots into powerpoint presentations or webpages


Other plotting javascript libraries exist such as D3

Example cross section graph

evaluation and EXFOR

Example cross section graph 2

multiple evaluations

Additional graph types offered by Plotly

Angular distribution evaluations

Primary knock on atoms

Additional possibilities

Group-wise data (from fispact) would make material cross section plotting easy



only concentrates on the client side plotting. The aim was to demonstrate the advantages of client side plotting.


It is yet to incorporate MySQL and fast searching which would make for a much faster slicker website

An option for future online nuclear data plotting

By Jonathan Shimwell

An option for future online nuclear data plotting

Online plotting software

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