Miniprotein stAbility fRom Sequence

- Team MARS 🌕 

Copenhagen Bioinformatics Hackathon 2021


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Hrishikesh                 Michael                Simon                 Emzo

@hbdhondge                                         @simonduerr   @scyphs


Model architecture

Loss:  BCE + KLD + HuberLoss

reconstruction    Smooth L1 norm to stability

Model architecture

This is a generative model! 


We can sample sequences around a predicted stable or unstable sequence from the latent space.

Single mutant test set

Multi mutant test set


Elnaggar, Ahmed, et al. “ProtTrans: Towards Cracking the Language of Life’s Code Through Self-Supervised Deep Learning and High Performance Computing.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06225 (2020).

2 Conv layers

1x Dropout (0.25)

Using the same architecture as for the single mutants


By simonduerr


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