Changing how institutions value software

Simon Hettrick

17 January 2024 - IRSER, Online -  @sjh5000     ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195

Research assessment is the dull-sounding yet vital missing element from recognition of RSEs, really

How is research assessed?

(UK example)

Not publications

144 kg



Software - 350 g

Recognition and support in general has the same focus on publications... how do we incentivise good software engineering if we don't value software?

What about RSEs?

How were RSEs acknowledged in papers in 2022?

RSE Survey 2022:

Photo by Niilo Isotalo on Unsplash

Is there more to life than publications?




We need to assess the success of roles based on the work they do

We are not alone

Recognising all research outputs and every role that makes research possible

  • Training materials and courses
  • Grimpact
  • Citizen science
  • Enabling access to facilities
  • Community building
  • Standards

New categories

The Hidden Role

CC-BY William Murphy 

120 submissions in total

If we don't recognise the people who are vital to research,

we limit our ability to conduct research

It's unlikely to be a number

Thank you!


ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195, EPSRC Grant no: EP/S021779/1


 © Simon Hettrick

Unless stated otherwise on following slide, these slides are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Changing how institutions value software

By Simon Hettrick

Changing how institutions value software

A presentation on how we change the assessment of software for the International RSE Research meeting on 16 January 2024.

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