Building a globally unrivalled environment for the development of software

Alys Brett, Neil Chue Hong, James Hetherington,

Simon Hettrick, Barbara Montanari and Christopher Woods.

3. An environment to build world-leading skills in software

  • Recognising software as important, e.g. REF
  • Improve funding effectiveness, e.g. landscape analysis
  • Funding to meet challenges, e.g. challenge fund
  • Support software over lifetime, e.g. algorithm dev, mid-life, community codes, products
  • Increase expertise availability, e.g. world-leading RSE Facility, new communities
  • Develop skills, e.g. computational research fund, training funds

1. A policy environment that recognises and rewards software

2. A funding environment to extract value from software


3. Skills

  • Policy must keep pace with rapid developments in field (Cloud)
  • Skills needed to steer policy (AAAI, Network)
  • Software as infrastructure (Data: Software RDI)
  • Software investment is vital (SC: recs. 5 & 7)
  • Predictable funding (Cloud, SC)
  • New algorithms and techniques fund (Data, SC)
  • Skills and retention (general RSE & ResOps: Cloud; HPC: SC, RSEs: Data)
  • Meet demand for expertise (Cloud, SC, AAAI)
  • New communities (Cloud: working group, ResOps; SC: RSEs; Data: data professionals)

1. Policy

2. Funding

Links to other papers

UKRI Expert Group summary on Software Strategy

By Simon Hettrick

UKRI Expert Group summary on Software Strategy

21 March 2019, London.

  • 135