What skills do RSEs want to learn?

Simon Hettrick

14 September 2022 - RSSE Africa Community Meetup - online                   @sjh5000 - ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195

Who am I?

The Software Sustainability Institute


"Research Software Engineer"

- Collaborations Workshop,

22 March 2012,

Queen's College Oxford

~10,000 RSEs worldwide

Image courtesy Ian Cosden

RSE Conference 2022

What problems are left?

  • We need recognition within individual universities and research organisations

  • We need embedded RSEs to  reap the same benefits as those in RSE Groups

  • We need recognition for software and its role in research

  • We need RSEs... a lot more of them!

How do you get more RSEs?

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash



UNIVERSE-HPC is a new project run in the UK to understand RSE skills requirements and provide training to meet them.

International RSE survey


Analysis of RSE skills

  • More of an art than a science
    • Very, very subjective at times
    • Longest response: 388 characters
    • Shortest response: 3 characters
  • The first pass is conducted in Google sheets
    • 1050 skills from 411 people
  • Analysis is reengineered into Python

The joys of free text



"n/a I have all the skills"

"negotiate for jobs in a discipline that doesn't value software"

"how to herd cats... I mean researchers..."

"A new back: mine is stiff"

Interruptions welcome!

All categorised responses

Is it all technical?

Technical skills

Management skills

Languages, packages and libraries

Soft skills

Domains & fields

How do we provide these skills?

  • Historically, RSEs have learned on the job

  • Demand for RSEs requires a more scalable and reliable way of training new RSEs
  • Masters modules exist at various universities, as do materials such as intermediate Software Carpentry
  • We need to develop courses starting from undergraduate, Masters and PhD, and continued professional development
  • Secondments/placments with industry
  • We could also introduce more junior roles and provide on the job training



UNIVERSE-HPC is a new project run in the UK to understand RSE skills requirements and provide training to meet them.

How can you help?

  • Check my results!
  • Contact RSSE Africa, or any of the national associations, with information about courses and other training opportunities
  • Keep an eye out for requests for training course creation from Universe HPC
  • Promote the RSE career to everyone you know!

Thank you!


ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195, EPSRC Grant no: EP/S021779/1


 © Simon Hettrick. These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

Link to slides


What skills do RSEs need?

By Simon Hettrick

What skills do RSEs need?

Presentation on RSE skills for RSSE Africa

  • 880