- Goals
- Team resources
- Video introductions
- Introduce process & elements
- My role in this project
- Model every aspect of each service with puppet
- Write tests for every service
- Tests can be used in every environment
- early detection of bugs in dev, test and int
- could enable self-monitoring in production
- Deploy to all environments (dev/test/int/prod)
- Migrate service data and make services productive
- Decomission old services
- Planning
- 1EH* per Engineer per Week
- 6EH* per Week total
- Engineering
- 1ED* per Engineer per Week
- 6ED* per Week total
* Effort Day (ED) = Personentag (PT)
* Effort Hour (EH) = Personenstunde (PD)
using Agile Methods
Scrum/Kanban "light"
- We will use elements from Scrum & Kanban
- Tailored for this team & project
- Method will be adapted in the process if needed
Used Elements
- Stories
- Tasks
- Backlog
- Definition of Done (DoD)
- Planning
- Stand-up
- Kanban Board
- Work in Progress Limits (WIP)
- Pair Programming
- are written from the perspective of the user
- identify single requirement
- Who wants this requirement?
- What is the requirement?
- Why is the requirement needed?
- contain no implementation details
- Possible estimations:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20 or 40 hours
- specific work items for a single story
- contain all the implentation details needed
- will be estimated again for a more detailed figure
- collection of stories with or without tasks
- prioritized by order
Backlog Example
Definition of Done / DoD
- List of criteria to be met in order for a story to be considered done
- Code is documented
- Tests are written and running
- Documentation is complete
- Verification of the DoD is a distinct workflow step
- One hour peer week
- Create new stories
- Estimate stories
- Break up stories into tasks
- Estimate tasks
- Making sure that there are alway enough stories and tasks to work on
- 15 minutes per day
- Every team member is standing
- Every team member answers three questions:
- What have I done since the last stand-up
- What will I be doing today
- What is blocking me?
Work in Progress Limits
- Efficiency through focus
- Limits the work on the number of:
- stories (we will begin with 1)
- tasks (we will begin with 2)
- Forces team to "swarm" on stories
Physical board
- Backlog space with backlog items
- stories with tasks will be stacked
- Space for stories that are being currently worked on:
- Lane/Row for each story
- Colums for each workflow step
- DoD
Board Example
Pair Programming
- Two persons work on one workstation in two roles
- Driver does write code
- Observer constantly reviews code
- Roles are frequently switched
- Observer considers strategic direction of work
- Driver can focus attention on tactical aspects
Benefits of Pair Programming
- Economical
- Design Quality
- Satisfaction
- Learning
- Team-building and communication
My role in this project
- Guiding the first few planning meetings
- Guiding the first few pair programming sessions
- Guiding the architectural direction of puppet code
- Reviewing all the puppet code written
- Participating in completing stories & tasks
MSP Infrastrucutre Renew
By Simon Josi
MSP Infrastrucutre Renew
- 770