Command Line
Learning Objectives
- Use the most common commands to navigate and modify files / directories via the terminal window.
- Initialize a local Git repository and push/pull changes to a remote Git repository.
- Run basic JavaScript script on the command line using Node.
- Summarize the client-server model
- Review Git, Slack, Sublime
- Write pseudocode and think programmatically
- Use HTML and CSS to create static Web pages
Introduction to the Terminal
Command | Description | Command | Description |
ls | List the contents of the directory | subl | Open sublime text |
cd | Change directories | pwd | Print working directory |
mkdir | Make directory | say | Make your computer talk |
rmdir | Remove empty directories | open | Open a particular file in their default application |
rm | Remove files or directories | ./ | The current folder |
touch | Create an empty file | ../ | One folder above your current working directory |
echo | Return a string | ~/ | The home folder |
Work Point
Practice Command Line
With a library the developer is in control. The developer can call functions defined in the library and use them as they want.
Example: JavaScript
With a framework the developer must work within defined areas. All the control flow is already in the framework, and there's just a bunch of predefined white spots that you can fill out with your code.
Example: Angular or React
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code server-side
Run and executed in the browser environment
Run and executed on a back end server
JavaScript usually is a single threaded (single function) language. Node allows for the request of a different thread without needing the full response from the first one
Hello World with Node
- create a directory
- add a file called 'app.js'
- add the line console.log('hello world'); into app.js
- cd into your new directory and run 'node app.js`
Node Package Manager
Intro to Git/GitHub
July 18: Command Line
By Jessica Bell
July 18: Command Line
- 112