Juan Rodriguez
Senior Software Engineer - M.Sc. in Computer Science.
Lessons learned from 🇨🇦🇩🇪
Juan Rodriguez
Brian Ramirez
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
(Level Access)
Classroom Projects
Side Projects
Same as above + fun
Uni events
Free food + networking + challenges
TLDR: now
Programming language domain.
coding hard"
culture.Your growth vs the country's growth
Life quality index
Total compensation = gross salary - taxes + benefits
"eSSENTIAL Accessibility is a comprehensive digital accessibility-as-a-service platform. We help organizations create inclusive web, mobile, and product experiences through digital accessibility testing, evaluation and remediation" - Taken from the official website
500+ employees from a lot of countries!
WCAG/ADA/Section 508/AODA/VPAT compliance
Taken from Microsoft
Taken from RabbitMQ
By Juan Rodriguez