Devshop Questions

Revised, first MDG app week

Should help you with everything (including helpers)

Old app

it was based on todos example in 1 day (props to Jade)


When title is too long, it hides the table tag and the timestamp

Some people ignore table numbers and use ad-hoc identifiers

Not always clear, how to put your name and table tag


There is no place for MDG announcements

Users don't get out perfect UX

People forget to put their name/location often enough to make it annoying

New app

Clean and simple

Question form

For validation, name autofill (if logged in with GH)

Really long questions are expandable

Ability to mark questions as "Core dev help is needed"
Newbie question:
Super weird question:
Name and avatar if logged in with GH
(Helps to find the questioner)

And since we force people to put the name and location, at least we always have name.

MDG Announcements

"Flu shots are upstairs"
"Play skee ball and tweet"
"Tweet with our hashtag"
- no limitations to your imagination

Help page for noobs

Flat UI

Any noob can pretend he/she knows how to build beautiful UI 

... and Hand-drawn logo!


Wireframes/brainstorming took around 1.5 days
Props to Alice for figuring out the workflow and drawing awesome wireframes:


Meteor UI + jquery plugins - possible but is still a lot of work.
(Thanks to Avi and David for spending hours with me)

Template.header.rendered = function () {
  Deps.autorun(function () {
    if (!Meteor.user())
      setTimeout(putGitHubIcon, 0);

function putGitHubIcon () {
  $("#login-buttons-github").prepend($('', { class: "fa fa-github" }));

CSS is a pain

Meteor UI components, looking at you
Bootstrap is only good for bootstrap components

Not implemented yet

  • There are some bugs with jquery more/less
  • No easy way to change the broadcast announcement
  • Projector mode (only questions + twitter feed)
  • Integration with SO is difficult, need more research on that
  • More flat UI improvements!

new devshop questions

By Slava Kim

new devshop questions

  • 1,511