Essentials of December 2016

What's new?


Drupal Association Q3 2016 Financial report



And performance metrics

Even though it's funny, it's not the tech, but the people.



What's bigger - 5 or 7.



A: Good User




Q: Inline Form Errors - What They Are and Why they Matter

Take whole Drupal, add a bit of WP..

#drupalnews sit and think what you did.

Bunch of popular Twig modules



Siri, please play Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA



DrupalCon Baltimore is open for session submissions, I mean

Drupal Kiev Community 2016 wrap up



How about not making "politics" in Drupal, huh?



Don't make everything even. Diversity is in being different.



Thank you!

Drupal News, December 2016

By Slava Merezhko

Drupal News, December 2016

#Drupalnews. Latest news & interesting stuff in Drupal world

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