Essentials of October 2016

What's new?


Say "nothing happening, drupal is doomed" one more time



I dare you. I double dare you.
Because coding standards has a new home.

NASDAQ using Drupal, some business report and Innovation, only on



Gabor explaining the same thing - innovation at Dublin



Sometimes you need to review someone's code



Drupal premium themes, part 2



Or why there's so few nice themes

Custom migration nice guide



Or why migrate is in core but still experimental

One more intermediate abstraction: waterwheel.js



Drupal commerce 2.x-beta status from Dublin



Interested in specific Drupal Initiative?



Check here how to follow.

Some new developer tools to follow



It's not that Drupal doesn't suck, it just sucks less



Useful tool when taking on existing project



Conductor: Composer UI




Happy birthday D8 soon



Free webinars for you for that matter

Some guy had some fun: Instagram on Drupal with CSSgram



In other news, let's worship our God and his prohpet Elon



Thank you!

Drupal News, October 2016

By Slava Merezhko

Drupal News, October 2016

#Drupalnews. Latest news & interesting stuff in Drupal world

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