Intro to GitHub

What is GitHub

Key concepts


  • The place where your code sits
  • Main folder that contains your project
  • Connection between the code on your computer and GitHub
  • Similar to a warehouse



  • A repository always has one master branch and can have multiple feature branches

Types of branches


  • Master branch
    • working version
    • the place where the final code sits
  • Feature branches
    • parallel versions of the code
    • playground to experiment new features


Feature 2

Feature 1

Commit & Push

  • You made a change to the code and want to save it
  • You need to package it in a 'commit' and add a label (this is called commit message)
  • Once you packaged your changes, you'll need to 'push' them to the repository, and make them visible on GitHub


commit message

Commits and Branches

  • Each commit happens on a branch
  • If you did something wrong, you can always go back to the previous commit
  • Think of it like adding lots of small boxes into a big one, that contains all the parts of your new feature



Pull Request

  • When you're happy with the new feature you created and you want to add it to the Master branch (main code) you create a 'pull request'
  • In a collaborative environment other people review your code and suggest changes or improvements

Master Branch

Comments & improvements

Create PR


Create feature branch


  • Next step after a Pull Request is actually adding your features to Master branch 
  • Once you're sure your code is done, you can join changes from one branch to another one 
  • Think of this like putting your big box of features inside a warehouse, which is your project

The flow of events

Merge feature branch into master branch




Create PR


Create feature branch

Master branch

Basic commands

Intro to GitHub

By Sonia Fernández Rodríguez

Intro to GitHub

  • 105