Build Cognitive Computing Apps with IBM Watson
Son Le - IBM Cognitive Solution Engineer
What is Cognitive Computing?
Ex Machina
cog•ni•tive (käg-nə-tiv)
define ("COGNITIVE",
"of, relating to, or involving
conscious mental activities
such as thinking, understanding,
learning, and remembering");
Welcome to the cognitive era
Cognitive != Predicting the future
Cognitive != Recommendation Engine
Cognitive > Machine Learning
Cognitive Computing
- Adapting to the unknown
- Interacting with "other" humans
- Understanding the context
- Reasoning the "best answer"
Adapting to the unknown
- Handle human kinds of problems
- Resolve ambiguity
- Tolerate unpredictability
Interacting with "other" humans
- Understanding Language and Speech
- Formulation of proper sentences
- Conversing naturally
Understanding the context
- Identify and extract context features
- Vision and recognising context in images
- Creating a corpus of understanding
Reasoning the "best answer"
- Not the "right answer"
- Using context understanding to reason
- Inferring based on objectives
What is Watson?
How Watson reveals insights
What if you can have access to that power?
Ginni Rometty at the Gartner Symposium 2015
Bluemix Catalog
Watson Services
Natural Language Processing
Face Detection
Trade-off Analytics
Jobs Matching
Virtual Agents
How to add Watson Services to your app?
Pick a platform
Pick your favorite runtime
Enter a unique app name
App Overview
Add a service
Bind service to the right app
App is restaged
Your App is Live
How to win at hackathon
Watson Developer Cloud on Github
IoT Recepies
Son Le
Technical Tutorial:
Build with Watson - Enable Cognitive Computing Features In Your App Using IBM Watson APIs
By Son Le Thanh
Build with Watson - Enable Cognitive Computing Features In Your App Using IBM Watson APIs
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