The Beginner’s Guide to Spring Cloud
Original by @ryanjbaxter
Nice To Meet You
Spring Cloud Core Lead
- Spring Cloud Background
- Key Projects
- Getting Down and Dirty With Spring Cloud
- Questions
Survey Time
Anyone Know This Guy?
Why Spring Cloud?
- In general, cloud-native apps are a good thing, just not easy
- It was easy for big companies to put forth the resources to succeed with cloud-native, but what about the little guys?
- Why do we have to reinvent the wheel each time someone wants to build a Cloud Native app?
- Follow the Spring Boot model of providing useful defaults for cloud-native apps with the ability to easily configure them
- Cloud agnostic
Spring Cloud Components
Routing &
CI Pipelines
& Testing
Yes, There Are More
- Spring Cloud Bus
- Spring Cloud Stream
- Spring Cloud Data
- Spring Cloud Task
- Spring Cloud AWS
- ... and more
- We want to remove the configuration out of the application to centralized store across all environments
- Spring Cloud Config Server can use Git, SVN, filesystem, Vault or JDBC to store config
- Config clients (microservice apps) retrieve the configuration from the server on startup
- Can be notified of changes and process changes in a refresh event
Service Discovery
- With the dynamic nature of any cloud-native application depending on things like URLs can be problematic
- Service Discovery allows micro-services to easily discover the routes to the services it needs to use
- Netflix Eureka
- Zookeeper
- Consul
Routing and Messaging
- Your cloud native app will be composed of many microservices so communication will be critical
- Spring Cloud supports communication via HTTP requests or via messaging
- Routing and Load Balancing:
- Netflix Ribbon and Feign
- Messaging:
- RabbitMQ or Kafka
API Gateway
- API Gateways allow you to route API requests (internal or external) to the correct service
- Leverages service discovery and load balancer
- Netflix Zuul
- Spring Cloud Gateway
Circuit Breakers
- Failure is inevitable, but your user’s
don’t need to know - Circuit breakers can help an application function in the face of failure
- Netflix Hystrix
- A single request to get data from your application may result in an exponentially large number of requests to various microservices
- Tracing these requests through the application is critical when debugging issues
- Spring Cloud
Sleuth and Zipkin
CI Pipelines and Testing
- Building, testing, and deploying the various services is critical to having a successful cloud native application
- Spring Cloud Pipelines is an opinionated pipeline for Jenkins or Concourse that will automatically create pipelines for your apps
Spring Cloud Contract allows you to accurately mock dependencies between services using published contracts
Q & A
Spencer Gibb
Spring Cloud
Original by: Ryan Baxter
The Beginner’s Guide to Spring Cloud
By Spencer Gibb
The Beginner’s Guide to Spring Cloud
- 3,035