Earthsys 144: Fundamentals of GIScience

Coding for Spatial Data

where is your data?


Let's get them finished!!

Lab submissions will close with the Final Project submissions, on Dec 9th, at midnight.

Bonus Lab!

Last week, you chose TWO exercises, from THREE. For a BONUS LAB, you may complete the third lab, from last week, that you chose to not complete.


Your grade (10pts max)

on this Bonus lab can EITHER:


Be added to your Midterm Exam Grade




Replace your lowest Lab Grade (including any not turned in)

Final Projects

Due: Dec 9th at Midnight

Please join and share your final StoryMap with our Earthsys144 Final Project group, on ArcGIS Online

(Note that you will need to also share the maps and layers IN your StoryMap, in the same way)


Then Submit the direct Share URL for your StoryMap to the Assignment, here on Canvas.

Again, be sure that your storymap AND content are properly shared with the Earthsys144 Final Project Group for viewing.

Final Week Open Office Hours

Thursday, Dec 1 - 1-3pm

Friday, Dec 2 - 9am-Noon

Monday, Dec 5 - 9am-noon

Tuesday, Dec 6th - 1-4pm

Wednesday, Dec 7th - 9am-noon

Thursday, Dec 8th - 9am - 11am

Friday, Dec 9th - 9am - 4pm

Final Exam

Will be released on Dec 9th, at midnight, after your Final Project is due. You will have until Dec 14th, at Midnight (our assigned final exam date), to complete the Final Exam, which will be identical in format to the Midterm.

What is GDAL/OGR?

Geospatial Data Abstraction Library for translating & processing raster & vector geospatial data.

  • Free & open source
  • Used by your favorite desktop GIS
  • Has a command line interface



What kinds of data?

GDAL's superpower is that it can read or write pretty much any spatial file you throw at it.


GDAL can translate 140+ raster formats, and 80+ vector formats!


A note about the name:


"GDAL/OGR" refers to the combined project with both raster & vector tools

  • GDAL: raster
  • OGR: vector


Today, most refer to the combined project as "GDAL"



Spatial SQL

Spatial for R Users

Spatial for Python Users

Getting Stuff into StoryMaps

  1. Basics:
    1. Text - Cut-&-Paste
    2. Images - Uploads
  2. Maps
    1. As Image - Exported and uploaded as PNG
    2. Interactive - Must be Created in (Mostly)
  3. Embeds
    1. URLs - StoryMaps will Browserfy most links
    2. Embed Codes - Provide some additional formatting options
  4. Data
    1. Storage - Github, AFS, Google Drive, etc...
    2. Buttons - Link to the "share" or "Download" links, from the above.

Code for Spatial Data

By Stace Maples

Code for Spatial Data

  • 378