Bitcoin &


David Stancel

My crypto path

- Firstly, purely academic interest --) thesis on blockchain tech

- Later, more hands-on experience

- Trading & further research

- Conferences & Articles & Papers

- Consulting and product development



- What is Bitcoin and why it is valuable?

- Bitcoin vs. other cryptocurrencies

-  The phenomenom of ICOs

- Challenges ahead


... has drawn from a variety of schools of thought: game theory, cryptography, hacker culture, the open source movement and libertarian ideology.. 


Bitcoin is ...

- "peer-to-peer electronic cash" by Satoshi in 2008

- "money" by US Federal Court in Manhattan, September 2016

- "not money" by Local Court in Miami, July 2016

- "commodity" by The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, September 2015

- "legal form of payment" by laws in Japan since April 2017

- "an asset, but not a currency" by Forbes, May 2017

Bitcoin vs. other cryptocurrencies

... a new asset class

Bitcoin is ...

- decentralized with no middleman, thus independent (?)

- open source, and completely transparent

- deflationary

- pseudoanonymous

- secured by cryptography and robust hash power


Bitcoin vs. other cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin vs. Altcoins



 - Purpose

- Parameters 

- Consensus mechanism

- Cryptoeconomics


Initial Coin Offerings



Legal Challenges


-  Status of cryptocurrencies in general

- Implications for accounting

- Anonymity (?!)

- Framework for ICOs, and tokenization in general




Bitcoin vs. other cryptocurrencies

Technical Challenges

 Implications for accounting

- Scaling

- Decentralization

- Security

- UX




Bitcoin vs. other cryptocurrencies

Thank you!





Bitcoin vs. other cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies (high level)

By David Stancel

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies (high level)

What is Bitcoin and why there are so many cryptocurrencies?

  • 376