Evolúcia kryptomien


David Stancel

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Lessons learned I.

  • There is just one Bitcoin
  • Yet, (some) altcoins are justified
  • Bitcoin is not so censorship-resistant as we hoped --> Blockseer
  • Bitcoin is not so privacy-preserving as it should
  • Paypal, Coinbase, CashApp are effectively Bitcoin's 2nd layer

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Lessons learned II.

  • There are more instances of Etheruem Virtual Machine.
  • There is much more competition for ETH than for BTC
  • L1 smart contract platforms may effectively by Ethereum's L2
  • In Etheruem, hiccups are to be expected
  • Dapps are still highly risky
  • Yet, ETH might become "decent" money in the future

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Lessons learned III.

  • Liquidity in DeFi does not stick
  • DeFi projects are highly risky
  • Sharding may break/distort DeFi composability
  • New DeFi ecosystem do emerge - Polkadot, Cosmos, Avalanche
  • DeFi has potential



Jednoduché investovanie do krypta pomocou indexu: 

Newsletter a kniha o evolúcii kryptomien: 


Evolúcia kryptomien

By David Stancel

Evolúcia kryptomien

Liberty Talks Dec. 2020

  • 544