History of Cryptocurrencies

Lessons Learned

David Stancel

Building the Chain of Blocks

Centralization is the bottleneck

Decentralization is on a scale

Cypherpunks  vs   EFF

“I saw them as angry young men in leather jackets, without children and with too much testosterone.”

- Phil Zimmermann

Ralph Merkle

Martin Hellman

Whitefield Diffie

No Revolution, but Evolution

Narratives change

Case study: MakerDAO

  • DAI was novel and innovative
  • MKR team defined many standards in DeFi
  • Now innovations come from other projects
  • Once a king, now not anymore
  • DAI= 400k holders / USDC=1,3M / USDT= 3,6M
    • Protocol revenue of 32M annualy,
    • 1,5% of MCAP,
    • P/E =64

Overton window shifts

what is today heretic an idea once won't be


Social  > Tech


Crypto tribes are different

Thank you!


ETH Brno - Crypto: Lessons Learned

By David Stancel

ETH Brno - Crypto: Lessons Learned

ETH Brno, Sept 2021

  • 489