
The  Clay  Creator
and the  Giver of Fire


In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a Titan, culture hero, and trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay, and who defies the gods and gives fire to humanity, an act that enabled progress and civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of mankind.
The punishment of Prometheus as a consequence of the theft is a major theme of his mythology, and is a popular subject of both ancient and modern art. Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, sentenced the Titan to eternal torment for his transgression. The immortal Prometheus was bound to a rock, where each day an eagle, the emblem of Zeus, was sent to feed on his liver, which would then grow back to be eaten again the next day. (In ancient Greece, the liver was thought to be the seat of human emotions. In some stories, Prometheus is freed at last by the hero Heracles.

how it relates to frankenstein

Victor had a fascination with natural science and mythology. Victor is creating life with different parts of other humans and is giving the world something that has never been seen, done, or heard of that clearly defies nature. Prometheus made humans from clay and against Zeus' orders, gave humans fire.  Prometheus is punished by Zeus for his insubordination but Victor Frankenstein is punished in the way that he cannot physically look at his creation without becoming sick.


By starmars


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