Shipping Search

Running elasticsearch in Docker Containers

Let's start filling your head!

(Short) History

  • A bunch of .go files, released 2013-01-19 on github
  • A global OSS community and enterprise SaaS/PaaS hype since summer 2014
  • IANA-assigned ports 2375 and 2376 in 2014
  • Supported by every modern Linux distro
  • Supported by lots of $money from major tech companies

What does Docker do?


OS vs. Process Virtualization

Inside a Container

  • Run multiple Linux distros in the same Kernel space
    on your docker host system, meaning:
    • Low memory consumption
    • Quick startup time for new container instances
    • Production and development environments can be exactly the same (finally!)
  • Every container is based on an immutable filesystem image and the changes needed to run your app get stacked and isolated on top of this base image using aufs
  • Your application lives in a single container, based on an image
  • Your application's dependencies like DBs and stuff run in other containers. They are interlinked at runtime with --link
  • Every part of the stack is cached on the docker host to make starting, stopping and building containers fast

Some Dockerspeak

  • What is an image?
    • A portable blueprint for your container
      based on a single textfile called Dockerfile
  • What is a container?
    • A running Linux server based on an image which is
      usually executing a single application in a small
      pidspace and may be interlinked with other containers
  • What is a volume?
    • Space on disk which gets mounted to one or multiple containers during their runtime for data persistence
  • What is a Docker registry?
    • Github for Dockerfiles
  • What is Github?


  • Don't think of virtualization, think of running processes
  • Containers are tiny and should only run one process
  • Software in containers shouldn't be updated at runtime but replaced by a new version (=immutable deployments)
  • Containers are isolated from each other by default
  • Build complex stacks by interlinking containers
  • Data is stored outside the container on the Docker host
  • Containers can be exported and imported as tarfiles. With docker, you just deal with files, not with disk images
    • docker cp jenkins_container:/var/jenkins_home - \

Lets run...

$> docker run -i -t python:2
$> docker run -i -t python:3


  1. We just instantiated a Docker container on our remote Docker host based on an Docker image for Python
  2. Our local `docker` client attached an interactive pseudo-TTY for in and output
  3. Strg+c kills the container

Start a module

$> docker run -it -p 8888:8888 \ python:3 python -m http.server 8888
$> curl -i <server>:8888
  1. We just instantiated a Docker container on our remote Docker host based on an Docker image for Python
  2. Our local `docker` client attached an interactive pseudo-TTY for in and output
  3. We overwrite the default CMD with our own command

A bit of introspection

$> docker run -it -d --name utnubu ubuntu
$> docker inspect utnubu | jq '.'
$> docker stats $(docker ps -l -q)
$> docker exec -it utnubu /bin/bash
$> # ps, top, uname -a, apt-get, what you want
  1. We just instantiated a Docker container on our remote Docker host based on an Docker image for Ubuntu
  2. We check some information about the container

Lets run elasticsearch

We use the official Docker-Hub image

Lets have a look at the image

  • Look into the latest Dockerfile

  • Grab the Container

    • docker pull elasticsearch

  • Start a node and expose the ports

    • docker run --name trick -d -p 9200:9200 \
      -p 9300:9300 elasticsearch

  • Check the HTTP interface

    • curl -L http://$(docker-machine ip):9200​

Do more

  • Run a second container and link it to the first
    • docker run --name track --link trick -d elasticsearch

  • Check if we can see our second node
    • curl http://$(docker-machine ip):9200/_cluster/health

  • Let's git clone elasticsearch-head and connect to the cluster

  • Anything else?

The good

  • User friendly & lightweight

  • Solves the dependency hell

  • Reusability by design

  • Client/server RESTful communication API

  • Promotes github-like community and collaboration through a public registry

  • Data in- and output is
    (tar-)file based

  • Massive, growing ecosystem

The bad (IMHO)

Shipping Search

By Stefan Antoni

Shipping Search

An introduction to Docker for elasticsearch

  • 1,618