for kitas


  • E-Mail Self Service
  • Checkin / Checkout (Fire Incidents)
  • Affordable OPS costs (10-15 EUR / month)
  • Scale to 1000 small customers

Quick Demo

Why Meteor

  • node.js
    • affordable ops costs
  • mongodb 
    • don't want become a DB ops
  • jQuery | Bootstrap support
    • user acceptance
  • Google/Twitter accounts framework
    • !yet another password based site

First impressions

  • Wow! This is easy
    • Beta version available for public testing after 3 days
  • Do I need all those meteorite (external) packages?
    • What if.... 
  • Automatic testing tools? Where? How?
    • MDG uses tinytest for testing core packages
    • Nightwatch/Selenium?

Packages we REALLY, Really, rely on

  • iron:router
  • alanning:roles
  • pinglamb:bootstrap3 & mrt:x-editable-bootstrap3
  • meteorhacks:kadira
  • jQuery tablesorter (NOT a meteor package)


  • allaning:roles
    • ok, but no organizational hierarchy
    • great developer, timely fixes
  • mongodb
    • db must be local, no encryption at mongolabs
    • no failover for local mongos
    • reliable backup/restore procedure
    • new subscription plans put the 15EUR/month at risk

Running the application


  • Cloud Servers
    • AWS
    • Tutum
    • Digital Ocean
  • Docker image
    • Node & Meteor app
    • nginx

Currently working on

  • Deploy new container
    • use fleetctl service
    • use etcd and confd to propagate ip:port to generate nginx.conf
  • Struggling with securing the env (etcd TLS keys, distribution/management is complex)
  • Updating running instances
    • 12 factors > not quite
  • Waiting for Galaxy?

Development tools

  • github
  • Adobe Muse for wireframes


By Steffo Weber


  • 551